way train

[we tren][wei trein]


  • Through the study of these contributions can be said of the experience of Feng Kang is the best way to train mathematicians .

    通过这些贡献的学习研究可以说冯康的经历是 培养应用数学家的最理想的 方式

  • Ideological and political education is the main way to train the subjectivity of object .

    通过实施思想政治教育 培养客体的主体性,是提升思想政治教育客体主体性的主要

  • Education online is the important way to train teachers .

    网络教育是发展师资 培训工作的重要 手段

  • Due to his help I found the way to train station .

    因为他的帮助,我找到了去 火车站的

  • Effective way to train staff of coal enterprises via internet

    煤炭企业员工网络 培训的有效 途径

  • THE SOLUTION : Listening to your body will almost always be a more effective way to train than trying to match someone else 's workouts says Janet Hamilton owner of Running Strong coaching .

    解决方案:“与和他人的 训练较劲相比,聆听您的身体几乎永远是更有效的 训练 方法,”JanetHamilton说,RunningStrong俱乐部老板。

  • I am like a kid again you just need to see the way I train !

    我又成为了一个小伙子,你只需要 我在 训练中的表现 即可

  • Abtract : Production exercitation is a tie between teaching and production practice and their Organic Cotion is an important way to train high-quality talents .

    生产实习是教学与生产实践的关联纽带,将二者有机结合是实现高素质人才 培养的重要 途径

  • But writing things out by hand may be a critical way we train our brains several studies suggest .

    但一些研究发现,用手书写可能是我们用来 训练大脑的重要 方法

  • It 's a real bind having to go all that way by train .

    都要 火车,真烦人。

  • While many felt that learning from colleagues was best very few ( rated ) the internet as an effective way to train .

    然而许多人感到从同事那里学习是最好的。几乎没有人评价说网络是 培训的有效 方法

  • The teachers adopt rational instructional strategies in class is an effective way to train students scientific quality .

    教师在课堂教学中采取合理的教学策略是 培养学生科学素养的有效 措施美国教师 培养学生科学素养的课堂教学策略主要有:主体性教学策略;

  • Thinking is the best way to train our brain lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage .

    思考是最好的 训练大脑的 方式,缺乏思考真的会让大脑生锈萎缩哦。

  • A New Way to Train Pharmaceutical Talents with Innovative Ability Under CHIPS Teaching

    实施CHIPS教学探索 培养创新药学人才新 途径

  • They finally arrived after ten at night having made their own way by train .

    最后呢,他们在晚上十点之后才到达,还是 自己火车 的。

  • Conclusions Systematic CCU training is an effective way to train high-quality clinical professional nurses .

    结论系统的CCU培训是 培养临床 一线高质量专业护士的有效 方法

  • Concept map is an effective way to train students to learn learning teaching model .

    概念图不失为一种有效 培养学生学会学习的教学模式。

  • Music Education & An Important Way to Train Vocational Combined Talents

    音乐教育是 培养高职复合型人才的重要 途径

  • Such sport is an effective way to train on physical energy ; it especially suits college students well .

    这种运动对体力 锻练非常有效,非常适合大学生之学习。

  • MPA education in China is developing vigorously . It is not only an effective way to train public management talents to meet the needs of time but also a new platform for improving the quality of cadres of ethnic regions .

    MPA教育在中国的蓬勃发展,不仅使我们找到了一条 培养适应时代要求的公共管理人才的有效 途径,也为提升民族地区干部的素质与能力构筑了一个新的平台。

  • In this way we train them to read fluently and accurately .

    我们 这样 方法训练他们流利准确地阅读。

  • There are serious flaws in the way we train our teachers .

    我们 培训教师的 方法有严重缺陷。

  • Instruction of Modern Educational Technology is the main way to train student teachers ' educational technology capacity .

    《现代教育技术》课程教学是 培养师范生教育技术能力的主要 途径

  • Others tried to make their way by train bus boat or car .

    其他人试图 改用 火车、公交、轮船或汽车出行。

  • You have to think about your responsibilities – your behaviour the way you play the way you train .

    你要想到自己身上的责任&你的行为,你踢球和 训练 方式

  • In this way train and develop and make the student come the main body Of teaching and learning become a topic that man pay attention to extensively on it .


  • The pitch : founded in 2011 the company aims to transform the way employers train workers .

    候选理由:这家公司成立于2011年,主要致力于改变雇主 培训员工的 方式

  • Commercial supermodel Liz fuller explains the proper safe and healthy way to train to get into the modelling or pageant industry .

    商业超模lizfuller向我们介绍了进入模特或选美行列的恰当,安全,健康的 锻炼 方法

  • Labor contest is an important carrier for trade union to organize multitude productive activities as well as the most vivid and direct way to train and motivate the wisdom and creativity of employees .

    劳动竞赛是工会组织职工群众开展群众性生产活动的重要载体,是 培养和激发职工智慧和创造力最生动、最直接的 途径

  • The sport was conceived by Finnish cross-country skiers looking for a way to train during the snowless summer months .

    这项运动是有芬兰的滑雪者为了在没有雪的夏天也能 训练想出的主意。