


  • Clay-Stone of Kaolinite in the Perma-Carboniferous of Wester Shandong : Characteristics Occurrence of Fe and Ti


  • Alex Wood the head teacher of Wester Haile Education Centre in Edinburgh says they should examine their consciences inferring that there is something immoral about the private sector .

    爱丁堡的 西方黑尔教育中心的首席教师, 亚历克斯·伍德说他们这些人应该检讨自己的良心,推断那些私立学校的不道德的东西。

  • Approach on the New Economy Development in Wester Capitalist Countries

    西方 资本主义经济新发展探析

  • In the time of studying the traditional techniques and absorbing the dements of wester painting we should study the method master its rules and using the brief lines and its technique to show the objects ' vividness .

    在学习传统技法,吸取 西画中有益的因素,融汇借鉴的同时,研究方法,掌握规律,用简洁的线条及其技法概括出物象的形神。

  • Since Wester Han Dynasty which worshiped confucianism only ancient feudal rulers in China always based their rule on confucianism .

    从西汉 确定 独尊 儒术”思想以来,中国古代封建君主一直以儒家思想作为其统治的依据。

  • Mo oxide price in Europe in december of 2005 is lower by 23.4 percent than that of the same period of 2004 Mo oxide price in USA is lower 20.3 % Wester and Chinese-grade FeMo price is lower by 40 and 30.6 percent respectively .

    2005年年底欧洲市场氧化钼价格较2004年同期跌23.4%,美国市场氧化钼价格跌20.3%, 西方 钼铁和中国钼铁鹿特丹仓库价格分别跌40%和30.6%。

  • Objective : To investigate a practical method to culture the neural precursor cells from hippocampus of neonatal Wester rats and to study the effects of propofol on its proliferation .

    目的:探索新生 鼠海马神经前体细胞培养方法,并观察低浓度丙泊酚对体外培养海马神经前体细胞增殖的影响。

  • Objective To clone and construct pET22b ( + ) expression vector containing fragments of cysteine protease from adult worm of Pagumogonimus skrjabini and to analyze the induced products by SDS-PAGE and Wester blotting .

    目的克隆及构建含斯氏狸殖吸虫成虫半胱蛋白酶基因片段的pET22b(+)表达载体,利用SDS-PAGE和免疫 印迹分析阳性克隆菌株的诱导表达及其表达产物的免疫反应性。

  • Holidaymaker Jay Goss 31 watched in amazement from his parents'seaside cottage at Big Sands in Wester Ros .

    31岁的游客杰伊•戈斯,在父母位于 韦斯特罗斯大金沙海滨的小木屋中目睹了这一切,并且被 深深地怔住了。

  • Cement Industry of wester China developed rapidly with the western economy growth .

    随西部经济的增长, 西部水泥工业 得到了快速发展。

  • Methods : The cases of vascular dementia had been divided into two groups ( 16 each ) the test treated by Wester drugs ejection of ginseng and ophiopogon the powder of leech and nux-vomica seed while the control treated by Western drugs only .

    方法:将血管性痴呆32例随机分为两组,治疗组16例在用西药的同时加用参麦注射液静滴,水蛭粉 马钱子胶囊口服,连用8周。

  • The geochemical features and its genesis of the trace and REE of the Wenquan magma mixing granite in wester Qinling

    西 秦岭温泉混浆花岗岩的微量与稀土元素地球化学特征