


  • Tang 's monk : The I is from the east soil since then big Tang go to westwards day paradise to take through of .

    唐僧:贫僧是从东土大唐而来,去 往西天极乐世界 取经的。

  • They headed westwards along the motorway .

    他们沿着 调整公路 西行

  • The surface current flows westwards through the straits into the Sea of Marmaris but there is a deep current which flows simultaneously in the opposite direction back into the Black Sea .

    表面的 向西的水流通过海峡流向马尔马里斯海,但与此同时,深层水流流向相反的方向,重新再流向黑海。

  • They 've now advanced westwards along the coastal highway .

    他们现在已经沿着海岸高速公路 向西推进。

  • Securing control over the pipelines bringing oil and gas westwards is one .

    控制通往 西方的石油天然气管道是其一。

  • They say Colonel Gaddafi 's forces are retreating westwards along the coast and that rebel troops have surrounded the town .

    他们表示,卡扎菲上校的力量正在沿着海岸 向西撤退,叛军军队已经包围了这座城镇。

  • The army were pushing the frontier westwards .

    军队正在将边界 向西 推进

  • Dealing with the Relation Between Bitterns Resources of Xiajiang Area and Chu 's Going Westwards and Establishing Shire

    略论峡江地区盐卤资源与楚 西进置郡的关系

  • They were heading westwards to where the land rose more steeply .

    他们朝 西边 ,地势起来起陡。

  • Slowly spread westwards across europe .

    在欧洲 一同 西面散播。

  • The art of paper making reached westwards to Baghdad Iraq in the 8th century at the height of the Islamic culture .

    回教文化在八世纪时达到 全盛 时期,造纸技术在 此时 向西 传到伊拉克的巴格达。

  • People moved westwards across the European continent for more than seven thousand years and settled in the country .

    七千多年来,人们穿越欧洲大陆 向西迁移,到爱尔兰定居。

  • At the beginning of 21st century Our country move westwards economic development weight Implement the development of western regions it is concerning the great strategic policy moved towards in socio-economic development of our country and the important component of socialist modernization drive .

    我国在21世纪初将经济发展重心 西移,实施西部大开发,这是关系到我国经济社会发展走向的重大战略决策,是社会主义现代化建设的重要组成部分。

  • Soon firemen were hurrying westwards .

    消防员迅速 西边去 救火

  • The Santa Ana winds which whip dry air from the desert plateau westwards and downwards into southern California .

    名为圣安娜的大风驱使着来自沙漠高原的干热空气 向西 然后 向南进入南加州。

  • They turned westward / westwards after crossing the river .

    他们过河以后 向西拐了。

  • In return the EU would offer a laxer visa regime and let Russian energy companies expand westwards more easily .

    作为交换条件,欧盟将启动一个更为宽松的对俄签证系统,并使俄方的能源公司 西进变得更加容易。

  • Under the impact of the geological structure the Xiajiang area has abundant bittern resources . The Chu people went westwards for the purpose of occupying it .

    由于地质构造的作用,峡江地区具有丰富的盐卤资源,楚人 西进 是为了 获取它。

  • It appears to be linked to the Algerian leadership 's poor relations with the Libyan National Transitional Council ( NTC ) which in turn betrays its deep-seated fear of instability spreading westwards .

    这也显示出阿尔及利亚与利比亚过渡委员会关系之糟糕,而后者反过来也在把 前者所深深惧怕的“不稳定 因素 带给 前者

  • The first of the airliners winged westwards and home .

    第一架班机 向西了家。

  • Uighurs resent the huge immigration of Han over the past few decades many moving westwards to work in oil and gas fields and to run the Government .

    维吾尔人憎恶过去数十年汉人的大规模移民,许多人 向西 迁徙有些在油气田工作,还控制政府部门。

  • But the majority of goods shipped there are for final assembly before being re-exported westwards .

    但运往大陆的大多数产品只是在那里进行最后组装,然后重新出口到 西方

  • The Khwarizmi had a sizeable realm until defeated by the Mongols in1231.Fleeing westwards after this defeat Kwarizmian troops have since served as mercenaries in the Middle East .

    花剌子模原为强盛大国,后于 1231年为蒙古所灭,其军队 向西溃退,沦为中亚地区雇佣兵。

  • He pushed his control westwards .

    他把他的统治 向西 推进

  • Several times that movement is made to the east and comes into collision with a counter-movement from east westwards .

    这场运动曾多次向东挺进,并与自东 向西的逆向运动发生冲突;

  • The American prairies were traversed in the nineteenth century by broad bison roads made by herds of buffalo moving several beasts abreast and then used by early settlers as they pushed westwards across the Great Plains .

    十九世纪时北美大草原上 横亘着条条宽广的野牛之路,它们是成群的北美野牛数头一排并肩迁徙时 留下的,后来北美早期移民就沿着这些道路穿过大平原 开拓 西域