


  • The dusky water of the Yongding remained behind them flashing and dancing in the yellow rays of the westering sun .

    薄暮的永定河水 留在他们身后。在黄色的 斜阳 照耀 闪跳。

  • When he arrived back at the big tree behind the woods the westering sun had already sunk into a bank of long thin clouds .

    他走回树林后面那 大树下时, 偏西的太阳 沉入一 薄薄的长云。

  • He stared fixedly at the river flowing away off to the south which in the rays of the westering sun seemed as if it were brimming with molten copper .

    他凝视着向南 流逝的黄河水, 西 的阳光 ,河里像是 满溢 一川铜水。

  • He remembered how the day was turning to evening and the river water was sparkling in the westering light .

    他还记得那天天色晚了,河水在薄暮中 白晃晃的光。