wet way

[wɛt we][wet wei]


  • Acidity soil neuter soil can grow in catchment is good fecund and wet soil the way corp is growing is exuberant .

    酸性土壤。中性土壤都能生长,在排水良好。肥沃而 湿润的土壤中 长势旺盛。

  • In this paper preparation methods and some applications of wet way cubic antimony white are introduced .

    介绍了 湿法立方晶锑白的制备方法及其主要应用。

  • The technical and discharge performance of the mixture manganese dioxide powder of the dry way and the wet way had been investigated .

    本文研究了干法与 湿法混合锰粉的工艺及混合锰粉的电性能。

  • Introduced here the high-voltage electrostatic technology into wet calcium desulphurization is the effective new way for this purpose .

    将高压静电技术引入 湿钙法脱硫中是达到上述目的的有效新 途径

  • Results had shown that all of three operational variables did not affect wet extrusion cooking in the same way .

    研究结果表明喂料 湿度、螺杆转速和腔体温度对挤出物质构的影响是不同的;

  • Perfect the design of the wet type dust remover correctly and the new way to probe into dust removal of technology of the sweetening

    完善 湿式除尘器设计与探讨脱硫除尘技术新 途径

  • It feels very much like a sort of conservative Christian wet dream about the way the natural world should work & but doesn 't.

    这听着可有点像那些保守派基督徒的 春梦:自然界就是该 这样

  • It had been that dreadful wet summer you know and places that were safe in other years gave way suddenly without warning .

    你知道,那是个特别 潮湿的夏天,平常年头,那地方安全得很,没想到却毫无征兆 出了事。

  • Nowadays wet desulfurization is the main way in FGD ( Flue Gas Desulfurization ) and especially calcium method is widely applied but there are many problems such as scaling corrosion blocking and so on .

    目前烟气脱硫技术主要以 湿法脱硫 为主,其中钙法应用广泛,但普遍存在结垢、腐蚀、堵塞等问题。

  • This paper analyzes some of flue gas desulfurization in wet way such as the fundament the desire of desulfurizer the type of desulfurization technics and primary sweetener .

    分析了 湿法烟气脱硫的基本原理、脱硫剂的要求、脱硫的类型、工艺和主要的设备。

  • Based on current monitoring procedure the methods to measure dust deposition could be classified into tow : dry and wet way according to different sampling medium .

    目前国内外的降尘监测方法各异,根据降尘取样器内有无存水可将监测大致分为干法和 湿法两种。

  • The Application of The Technology of Flue Gas Desulfurization in Wet Way Technology of Flue Gas Desulfurization and Denitrification by Irradiation of Electron Beam


  • The main measurement of wet gas includes traditional way of separating multi-flowmeter and multi-sensor .

    传统的分离法、多流量计和多传感器组合法还是主要的 湿气计量 方法

  • Wet chemistry method proved to be a great way to reach the goal .

    湿化学合成方法被证明是完成这一使命的非常重要的 途径

  • Influence on wet FGD system by raising current velocity of flue gas was analyzed and discussed in an all-round way .

    全面 分析和讨论了提高烟气流速对烟气 湿法脱硫系统的影响。

  • The abrasive wear test with wet sand rubber wheel tester and the dynamic load impact wear test were taken to study materials wear characteristics under different wear way .

    为深入研究材料在各种磨损 方式下的磨损特性,扩大该堆焊材料的应用范围,还进行了 湿砂橡胶轮磨料磨损试验,动载冲击磨损试验。

  • Application Methods Treated Wet and Trap Loess on High-speed Way

    处理 湿陷性黄土的方法在 高速公路的应用

  • In this paper the synthesis of iso-butyl diurea by wet way with p-methylbenzenesulfonic acid as catalyst .

    对用对甲苯磺酸作催化剂 湿法合成异丁 叉二脲的反应进行了研究。

  • Reseeding forages in high cold and wet area by using light and heat resources is the effective way to solve shortage of both fodder in winter and scarce nutrition .

    在高寒 阴湿地区利用一季有余、两季不足的光热资源复种饲草,是解决家畜冷季饲草不足与营养缺乏的有效 途径

  • The results showed that the equal natur and discharge performance of the mixture manganese dioxide powder of the wet way were superior to the dry way .

    试验结果表明: 湿法较干法在锰粉混合的均质化、电性能等方面都有明显改善。

  • The product 's wet strength is achieved through use of a chemical compound that binds paper fibers together much the way cement binds bricks .

    该产品的耐 湿性是通过使用一种化合物将纸纤维粘合在一起而成, 如同水泥将砖块粘合在一起。

  • A wet sauna is considered to be the traditional way to enjoy a sauna and it is most popular now .

    很多人认为 湿蒸是传统的蒸桑那 方式,也是现在最流行的。

  • Cooked soybeans failed to wet people 's appetite and to make matter 's worse caused flatulence people urgently need to find the best way to consume soybeans .

    煮熟的大豆无法引起人们的食欲,并且使肠胃大量 胀气,迫切的需要就是寻找到进食大豆的最佳 方式

  • Wet dreams are a natural way of releasing excess semen .

    梦遗是排泄过多精液的自然 方式

  • In order to solve the wet type dust remover to store in the problem completely propose the new way to discuss dust removal of technology of sectional sweetening .

    为彻底解决 湿式除尘器存在的问题,建议研讨组合式脱硫除尘技术的新 途径

  • The fields were bare and wet ; a long way away I could see a campanile rising out of the plain .

    田野光秃 濡湿,我看见前面远处有一座钟塔屹立在平原上。

  • If you get wet on the way to work in the morning you 'll have a miserable day in the office .

    如果你早上来的 路上 淋湿的话,那你整天就有得受了。

  • He likes to wet his whistle on the way home from working in the evening .

    他喜欢在晚上 下班回家的 路上喝点酒。