watt hour

[wɑt aʊr][wɔt ˈauə]

[医] 瓦[特小]时

  • Suggestions on selection of watt hour meters for power system of Guangdong

    广东省电力系统 表选用的若干意见

  • Abstract A series of advanced automatic testing equipments for watt hour meters which incudes those for 0 01 02 05 and 0 1 grade electric and inductive meters has been developed .

    研究建立了一套技术比较先进、结构比较完整的 表检定装置系列,其中包括0.01级、0.02级、0.05级和0.1级电子式和感应式电能表检定装置。

  • Therefor the system of the full electronic watt - hour meter of prepayment has widely application prospect .

    因此,预付费电子 表系统具有广泛的应用前景。

  • The system of monitoring & analyzing of error of gateway watt hour meter

    关口 电度表误差现场监测分析系统

  • In this paper it introduces the Watt - hour meter fielding calibrator realizing principle and method of connection check analyzes especially of various recognizable connection modes .

    介绍了用 现场校验仪实现 计量现场接线检查的原理和方法,分析了 表现场校验仪可识别的接线方式。

  • The Discussion on some Functions of the Electronic Watt - hour Meter

    对电子 表几项功能的讨论

  • Introduction of designing characteristic & calibrating method for the ENZ200.3 three phase standard watt - hour meter

    ENZ200.3型三相标准 表的设计特点及检定方法

  • The Study of the System of the Full Electronic Watt - hour Meter of Prepayment

    预付费电子 表系统的研究

  • The Realization of Electricity Charge Collection with Computer ′ s Management by Using Charge Prepaid Watt Hour Meters or Charge Prepaid Device

    使用预付费 电度表或预付费装置实现电费收缴计算机管理

  • The metering error considers the non linear effect of the voltage coil and current coil in watt hour meter under different order of harmonics and different distortion degree of input waveform .

    计量误差考虑了 电度表电压线圈和电流线圈在不同的谐波次数以及谐波大 小时的非线性效应。

  • According to the practical experience from worksite the author introduces several measures for improving the reliability of the RS - 485 communication network between electric energy collect system and digital watt - hour meter .

    据现场工作的实际经验,介绍了提高电能量采集器与电子 表之间RS-485通讯网络的可靠性的措施。

  • Embarking from the understanding of power demand side management concept the paper introduces the multi-users static watt-hour meters principle the structure the system constitution and installation use and elaborates the function of the multi-users static watt - hour meters in the power demand side management .

    从电力需求侧管理概念出发,详细介绍了多用户 能表的原理、结构、系统构成和安装使用;

  • By use of the advanced techniques of computer control and power line communication the system realizes the remote control and automatic management watt hour meters .

    该系统采用了先进的计算机技术和通信技术,通过在电力线上的信息传输,实现了对 表的远距离控制和自动化管理。

  • The technical guide in the application of electronic Watt - hour meter

    电子 表应用中的技术导向

  • It is introduced in this paper about the working principle and verificating method of the ENZ200.3 three - phase standard watt - hour meter .

    介绍了 ENZ200.3型三相标准 表的工作原理及检定方法。

  • The metering model of the induction watt hour meter is presented and its characteristic of frequency response is analyzed in order to deal with the metering error caused by harmonics .

    针对谐波造成 表计量误差这 问题,建立了感应 表的计量模型并分析了其频响特性,从而阐明了计量误差的产生机理。

  • In this paper the design project of a new type electronic time sharing Watt hour meter is presents .

    本文介绍一种全电子 费率 电度表的设计方案,给出了其工作原理、 硬件 配置 软件设计。

  • The planning and design of remote reading system of watt - hour meter

    民用 电度表集中远程抄表系统规划设计

  • According to the demands of commercialized operation of power network and the management automation of electricity use and business the selection principles and demands of watt hour meters to be used hence are described in this paper .

    根据电网商业化运营和用电营业管理现代化的需要,指出了 表今后选用的原则和要求。

  • Three - Phase Double Fee Electronic Watt - Hour Meter

    全电子 三相 有功复费 电度表的研制

  • The application of electronic intelligent watt hour meter and technique of remote meter reading

    电子 电度表及远程抄表技术 大同 供电 的应用

  • Study of watt - hour meter in work site

    对现场 计量装置一些问题的探讨

  • The principle and function of Watt - hour meter field calibrator


  • The realization of communication for Multi - function Watt - hour meter

    多功能 表通信 规约功能的实现

  • By discussing the characteristics of harmonic energy at the point of common coupling ( PCC ) an uniform watt hour metering method that all consumers pay for their fundamental energy at PCC without regard to the existence of harmonics in the network or the consumer is presented .

    文中通过对公共连接点(PCC)谐波电能性质的分析,提出了有无谐波情况下均可按照用户与电网的 PCC的基波电能进行电力用户 电量计费的统一计量方法。

  • Design of a intelligent multi_ users watt hour meter

    一种智能化多用户 表的设计

  • The construction and measurement principle of watt hour meter are introduced in this paper . The calculation formulas of the fast quasi synchronism sampling method are deduced . Finally the test results are given by the National Institute of Metrology .

    介绍了 表的结构和测量原理,推导了快速准同步采样方法的计算公式,最后给出了国家计量科学研究院的测试结果。

  • Design of A Civil Electronic Watt - Hour Meter

    民用电子 电度表设计

  • Study on a New Electronic Watt - hour Meter

    一种新型电子 表的研究

  • Remote Watt Hour Meter Computer Supervisory System

    远程 表微机监控系统