wet dream

[wɛt drim][wet dri:m]


  • A wet dream is also known as a nocturnal emission .

    湿 也被认为是夜间遗精。

  • It 's been styled to an inch of its life with every corner of the custom OS looking like it 's stepped out of a graphic designer 's wet dream .

    它设计生活中每一英寸,操作系统的每个部分都看起来像是来自一个图形设计师的 梦遗

  • When I see you I have a wet dream .

    我一见到你,就 春心 荡漾

  • Some fat hairy ugly hillbilly 's wet dream .

    给一些又肥又丑的 人渣操过。

  • But if this was somebody 's unilateral wet dream .

    如果是有人 擅自 行动

  • It feels very much like a sort of conservative Christian wet dream about the way the natural world should work & but doesn 't.

    这听着可有点像那些保守派基督徒的 春梦:自然界就是该这样。