
[ˈhwɪmzi, ˈwɪm-][ˈwɪmzi]


  • But in real life luck and whimsy only take you so far .

    但是在现实生活中,幸运和 奇想 你好远。

  • For Joe and me the hikes took the place of the old adventures as an outlet for a playful imagination which turned increasingly to whimsy and burlesque .

    远足代替了我和乔以前的冒险活动, 继续 提供 编造 笑料 平台

  • The former Fed chairman William McChesney Martin 's famous line that the role of the central bank is to take away the punch bowl just as the party is getting good has lost its whimsy .

    前美联储主席威廉•麦克切斯尼•马丁(WilliamMcChesneyMartin)有一句名言:央行的作用是在聚会渐入佳境的时候,端走宾治盆。这句话已不再 离奇

  • Film TV and Sichuan Opera marriage this is purely a Chinese audience according to their own aesthetic needs and artistic logic and whimsy .

    电影、电视与川剧联姻,这纯粹是中国观众按照自己的审美需要和艺术逻辑而 产生 奇思妙想

  • Far from telling us anything about doodling it tells us the French have a babyish approach to work and a taste for arty whimsy .

    它讲的不是 涂鸦,而是告诉我们法国人工作方法幼稚,假装喜欢艺术。

  • These days the spirit of in-jokes and whimsy lives on but it has moved to new addresses : video games and movies & especially movies on DVD .

    现如今,玩笑和 搞怪精神犹在,但我们更多的是在电子游戏和电影DVD中见到这些彩蛋。

  • Some show cars are pure whimsy confections dreamed up by young designers at play .

    展出的车型中有些 纯属 异想天开,只是年轻设计师们闲来无事的凭空 想像

  • Gaze at the vivid yellows blues and psychedelic swirls of a single emperor angelfish and you 'll sense the whimsy of evolution .

    瞧瞧那“皇帝神仙鱼”(emperor angelfish)身上鲜艳的黄与蓝,还有迷幻般的漩涡,你就能感受到 生物进化的无奇不有了。

  • It reminds me of Japanese craftwork and has great scale and a whimsy that I love .

    它让我想起了日本的 工艺品,我 它们 比较一下种我都很喜欢。

  • The three stages of her life a daughter of Taoist a wife of whimsy and a common but great mother have reflected her characters and personalities .

    她所经历的人生三个阶段道家的女儿, 夫人及平凡又伟大的母亲折射出她的性格特征与人格魅力。

  • Miss Lemon of Salford Greater Manchester soon forgot about her act of whimsy eventually marrying and having a child herself .

    大曼彻斯特郡索尔福德市的Lemon小姐,很快就忘了她的 一时 兴起 之举,后来她嫁为人 ,也有了自己的孩子。

  • Both the characters and the teeming backgrounds with all their opportunities for dramatic lighting setups were color-scripted to maintain consistency and a persistent sense of whimsy and fun .

    这些人物的特性及丰富的背景和鲜明的灯光布置,都色彩鲜明的保持了 奇幻与乐趣的连贯性和持久性。

  • Don George ( Editor Lonely Planet ): I think families who have a real sense of whimsy and fantasy are likely to love Treesort .


  • But those impulses can also strip a language of its wit whimsy and play not to mention its capacity to accommodate new concepts and usages .

    然而,这样做也会将智慧、幽默 和趣味性从 姓名 当中剥离。同时, 姓名对新观念和新用法的 适应力和包容力也会丧失殆尽,这就更不用说了。

  • On the whole I really enjoyed this space for the pure quirk and whimsy of it .

    从整体上 来说,我真的非常享受这个纯净 同时 充满 新奇 理念的空间。

  • When it comes to love stories the new South Korean teleplays no longer use the distress card ; instead they intersperse them with whimsy and romantic punch lines .

    至于爱情故事,新的韩剧不再走悲情路线,而是融入了 奇妙与浪漫。

  • But perhaps most appealing is the whimsy that suffuses the store .

    但最迷人的或许是店内弥漫的 奇趣之风。

  • Vintage cafe curtains in a graphic floral pattern add whimsy .

    古典 风格的带有生动花纹的窗帘 锦上添花

  • Rosch states that human categorisation should not be considered the arbitrary product of historical accident or of whimsy but rather the result of psychological principles of categorisation .

    Rosch发现人类的分类不是杂乱无章的 奇特的历史产物,而是分类上的心理原则的结果。

  • As your garden grows the flags will disappear a bit among the leaves but will still add a little colorful whimsy to your garden .

    随着作物的生长,小旗子 会渐渐隐没在绿叶间;但 它们仍会是你的花园里的 靓丽 风景