



  • In a split second I became quite sure that these planar works full of whirly strokes and thick pigment with strong colors are an interesting sign of the character of the woman artist .

    甚至一下子就认定, 眼前这些充满 回旋笔触和厚重色块的平面作品, 其实是这个女性艺术家的一种有趣的性格 图示

  • However besides having the childhood outside nobody knows she actually is a good play tough whirly fly girl .

    不过,除了青梅竹马的稔之外没人知道,她其实是个擅长 回旋飞踢的强悍女孩。

  • When modeling a whirly conical concave replace the effect of the shoulder .

    建模时采用了有 锥度的凹面模拟轴肩的作用。

  • The whirly demoulding mechanism designs of shape-gear and the whirly plastic parts of bevel gear injection mould were introduced .

    介绍了斜齿轮塑件注射成型模具的齿形型腔旋转式和斜齿轮塑件旋转式两类 脱模机构设计。

  • A simulating adjustment method ofr leather automatic spraying which uses DLL technique etc. in visual basic 6.0 environment . The movement in each direction of the horizontal speed whirly speed and spraying track can be modified and adjusted arbitrarily .

    本文提出基于VISUALBASIC6.0环境下DLL(动态链接库)等技术的皮革自动喷涂仿真调试方法,其中,水平、 旋转 速度及 它们 之间 配合还有喷涂轨迹的 前后左右偏移都可任意调节。

  • Roaming around whirly world rough breath in dark cruel blades and tears in sorrowful days .

    幽寂的世界中闲逛,在黑暗中粗鲁的呼吸,残忍的刀和眼泪在伤心的日子中 消逝

  • Roaming around whirly world rough breath in dark .

    黑暗中世界 疯狂 轮转 窒息

  • Controlling temperature more stably ; This cryostat can reaches 58K and adjust temperature between 58K and 77K . The sample and the reflection angle can be adjusted whirly within the range .

    低温恒温器可以达到58K,温度在58K~77K范围内可以适度调节,光学试样、光的反射角在允许值范围内可 旋转调节。