Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington at the battle of waterloo .
拿破仑在滑铁卢战役中被 威灵顿公爵打败。
Civet of Madagascar . Wellington the capital city lies on the North Island .
马达加斯加岛的灵猫。首都 惠灵顿位于北岛。
The capital of New Zealand Wellington is a walkable city nestled between a mountain range and an ocean .
Prince William places a rose on the Tomb of The Unknown Warrioratthe National War Memorial in Wellington .
在 惠灵顿国家战争纪念馆,威廉王子为无名碑献上一只玫瑰。
Wellington perceived it and thought of his cavalry .
1852 The funeral of the Duke of Wellington took place in St Paul ′ s Cathedral .
在圣保罗在教堂举行 威灵顿公爵的葬礼。
To make Wellington so great is to belittle England .
把 威灵顿 捧得那样高便是小看了英格兰。
The segments were shipped to New Zealand in1865 and assembled on Mana Island north of Wellington .
塔身在伦敦以铁铸造,1865年用船运至新西兰 惠灵顿北部的马纳岛组装。
The correct answers of course are the Duke of Wellington and Karl Marx .
当然,正确答案是 威灵顿和卡尔马克思。
Wellington held the village and the culminating plain ; Ney had only the crest and the slope .
The second example was when I was in Wellington in1993 .
第二个例子发生在1993年,当时我在 惠灵顿。
Elizabeth and the queen mum loved horses hunting and Wellington boots ;
伊丽莎白和太后喜欢骑马、打猎和穿 长统靴;
A dead eucalyptus is festooned with Wellington boots .
在一棵枯死的桉树上,张灯结彩似地挂满了防水 长筒靴。
In the winter she wears thick socks Wellington boots and gloves
冬天,她穿着厚袜子和橡胶 雨靴,戴着手套。
Prince William first visited the children 's wards at Wellington Hospital saying afterwards he had enjoyed the experience .
当天,威廉王子首先探视了 惠灵顿医院的儿童病房,之后称自己非常享受这次经历。
If we take Waterloo from Wellington and Blucher do we thereby deprive England and Germany of anything ?
我们假设把滑铁卢从 威灵顿和布吕歇尔的手中夺回,英国和德国会丧失什么吗?
' This one is mine ! 'Charlotte said . 'He 's the Duke of Wellington ! '
这个是我的!夏洛蒂说,他是 惠灵顿公爵。
Gisborne is an hour away by air from Auckland in the north and Wellington in the south .
从北部的奥克兰和南部的 惠灵顿到吉斯伯恩皆需乘坐1小时的飞机。
Radio astronomer Melanie Johnston-Hollitt at Victoria University Wellington NZ has collaborated with IBM for developing the system .
来自新西兰 惠灵顿维多利亚大学的射电天文学家MelanieJohnston-Hollitt与IBM合作开发了该系统。
The capital is Wellington and the largest city is Auckland .
首都是 惠灵顿,奥克兰是全国最大的城市。
A colossal equestrian statue of the Duke of wellington .
一座 威灵顿公爵骑马的巨大雕像。
This could only have been achieved with the support of the New Zealand Community Trust and the Wellington City Council .
这能仅仅与新西兰社区信任和 韦林顿城市委员会的支持被完成了。
But Wellington is the capital .
但 惠灵顿是首都 呀。
We did learn a lot more about Wellington after listening to your speech .
我们的同学在听过您的演讲后,都对 惠灵顿中学有了更深的了解。
She wanted original portraits of Nelson and Wellington instead of the copies that hung on the walls .
墙上原本挂的纳尔逊和 惠灵顿画像的复制品,她要求换成原作。
Wellington is the capital city of new zealand .
The pilot decided that Christchurch was too far away and played it safe and landed at Wellington .
飞行员认为克赖斯特彻奇距离太远,为求稳妥,就降落在了 惠灵顿。
Diarmuid : Lord Nelson the Duke of Wellington and Sir Winston Churchill .
纳尔逊将军, 惠灵顿公爵和丘吉尔首相的葬礼都是在此举行的。
I want to explore Auckland more while I can 't wait to see Wellington .
一方面,我很想进一步地深入探索奥克兰,但另一方面,我又迫不及待地想参观 惠灵顿。