



  • Zipper tape should be inside of welt opening .

    拉链母带贴在 内侧

  • Tilting hi-speed sole welt grinding & roughening machine

    旋转式高速鞋 底边墙磨粗机

  • I never knew a rubber band could leave such a welt .

    我从来都不知道人 皮筋 那样

  • The1000 Mile is an almost exact replica of the original introduced by Wolverine in1914 down to the welt construction and stacked midsole .

    从靴子开始“千里鞋”几乎就是渥弗林品牌在1914年推出的第一款鞋的复制品, 保留沿条结构和叠层的鞋底夹层。

  • The welt seam is a decorative finish for bulky fabrics .


  • Welt and seam rubbing machine

    沿条 沿条缝擦

  • Finite Element Analysis of Joint Bearing Capacity of Welt Steel Bifurcation and Surrounding Rock


  • If you should get bitten the most effective treatment Vosshall has found is to immediately run the welt under the hottest water tolerable .

    如果你还是不幸被叮咬了,那么 Vosshall发现最好的办法就是迅速用你能忍受的最热的水来冲洗 伤口

  • Patch and welt pockets with silver tone rivets and signature logo patch at front .

    与银色调的铆钉和签名标识补丁修补和 贴边口袋在前面。

  • The slap raised a welt .

    那记耳光 留下了一条

  • Jeans boots and a sweater . Rubbing smartly in turn each welt against her stocking calf .

    牛仔裤、长统靴和毛线衣。 于是 轮流 抬起 ,用靴子的 贴边 灵巧 袜筒上蹭。

  • There 's a welt on his chest .

    他胸口上 肿起 岗子

  • The application of free bolt self-standing welt solves the problem : traditional wave lining tile fixing bolt break frequently caused equipment stop to repair and reduce milling system output and security .

    无螺栓自固 的应用解决了由于传统波浪瓦固定用螺栓断裂频繁,迫使设备停运检修,降低了制粉系统出力及安全性的难题;

  • All inner pocket details and welt pockets have been eliminated . Patch pockets are easier to sew and offer a more casual look .

    里不做口袋与 手巾 。缝纫贴袋更简易并给人一种轻松、随意的感觉。

  • He had a reddening welt on his temple and his nose was bleeding .

    他太阳穴处有块 红肿,鼻子也在流血。

  • They came back from recess bearing the signs of their abuse black eyes and bloody noses the red welt of tears but I neglected to come to their rescue although perhaps I should have .

    他们休息回来时带着受虐的痕迹 乌青的眼睛、充血的鼻子、 的红 但我熟视无睹,不想去拯救他们,虽然也许这是我应该做的。

  • About Beauty Internet Project Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt Berlin Germany .

    参加关于美丽,网络工程,世界文化宫, 柏林,德国;

  • They land on you bite you suck out some blood and leave behind an itchy welt .


  • Rumors that Intel would buy Infineon 's cellular chip business gained fuel on Friday as Germany 's Die Welt claimed that a deal is close .

    据德国 世界 本周五披露,Intel将收购 英飞凌公司的手机芯片业务部门。

  • Using these equations we can accurately calculate the coordinates of any point in the directional welt trajectories .

    利用这些方程可以精确地计算三维定向 轨迹上任一点的空间位置。

  • Welt and seam rubbing machine a skirt sewed with fine flat seams .

    沿条 沿条缝擦 机一条缝制得线缝细密平整的裙子。

  • PVC Goodyear Welt joins the upper insole midsole and outsole for long-wearing strength and durability .

    PVC材料的固特异 贴边将表层、鞋垫、鞋底夹层和鞋底连接起来,提供了良好的耐久性。

  • He got spiked or kicked in the chin and still had the red welt afterward .

    他被钉鞋刺到或是踢到下巴,后来还 留下红色的 血痕

  • That features a cardigan style jacket without collar or lapels two patch pockets and one upper welt .

    另一款服装的特点是无领、无驳头的开衫式上衣,下面两个贴袋,上面一个 线

  • Welt collar and cuffs .

    领口和袖口 贴边

  • His body she later discovered BORE almost no bruises but was full of strange painful swellings and there was a welt above one eye .

    后来她发现,他身上几乎什么伤痕也没有,可是到处都是奇怪而又疼痛的肿块,在一只眼睛的上方有一条 鞭痕

  • The question of war in the Baltic states does not arise she told Die Welt am Sonntag newspaper . Nevertheless Article 5 of the Nato treaty that is the obligation of mutual support applies to all allies .

    她向德国《周日世界报》(Die WeltamSonntag)表示:波罗的海国家并未出现战争问题,然而,北约(Nato)协定第5条款适用于所有盟国,即各成员国负有相互支持的义务。

  • Analyse propose some precautions and counter-measure to the welt ubiquitous abrasion question of lining of the ball mill economize the equipment expenses for enterprises lower costs and increase economic efficiency to offer rational practical experience and method .

    对球磨机衬 普遍存在的磨损问题进行分析,提出一些注意事项和应对措施,为企业节约设备费用,降低成本和提高经济效益提供合理、实用的经验和方法。

  • Rudolph looked dazed and his eyes widened when he saw the welt on Thomas 's cheek .

    鲁道夫一看见托马斯脸颊上的 伤痕,就露出茫然的神色,两眼睁得大大的。

  • The upper of the hiking boot is turned out at the welt area so that it will provide a waterproof fledge .

    上游的远足靴面积是原来的 鞭痕,以提供一个防水喂养。