whip together

[hwɪp təˈɡɛðɚ][hwip təˈɡeðə]


  • To avoid sheep missing he urges lagging sheep with whip to keep sheep gather together .

    为了免于羊儿失散,他们会不断地用 皮鞭驱赶落后的羊只,以避免 它们过于落后;

  • Whip the eggs oils and honey together .

    鸡蛋、油和蜂蜜 一起

  • In a double boiler whip together milk oil and20g sugar till totally combined and heat to at60-70 ℃ .

    牛奶,色拉油,白糖(20克),隔水加热到 60-70℃,并且打拌到水油完全结合的状态。