


  • The Australian writers suggest well-tried tricks : make them visible and do some price-cutting .

    上述澳大利亚学者给出了 屡试不爽的策略:把这些产品摆在显眼的位置上,并适当地降价。

  • We will maintain a stable economic environment through the linked exchange rate prudential supervision of the financial markets and the well-tried practice of prudent financial and monetary management .

    我们会继续通过联系汇率, 审慎的财务和金融管理,以及对金融市场的监管,维持平稳的经济环境。

  • There are a number of well-tried remedies which are perfectly safe to take

    好多很安全且经过 试验 证明 效果 良好的治疗方法。

  • It 's a well-tried tactic to play down public expectations in advance of a superpower summit .

    在超级大国的峰会之前降低公众的期望值是个 屡试不爽的策略。

  • Well-tried function of DMC as an additive on gasoline covering its octane number oxygen content calorific value vapor pressure distillation range freezing point solubility in water etc.

    碳酸二甲酯对汽油的调合辛烷值、氧含量、热值、蒸汽压、 馏程、凝固点、溶水性等性质的影响进行了研究。

  • Baelz offers a wide range of well-tried electric and pneumatic actuators for control systems ;

    Baelz提供了广泛的 行之有效的电动和气动执行器的控制系统;

  • Koch perceived that it would be far better if one could solidify a well-tried liquid medium with some clear substance .

    郭霍 设想,如果能用某种透明物质将 经过 多次 试验的培养液固化可能更好。