


  • This is a well-regulated school .

    这是一 管理 很棒的学校。

  • The western economists concluded that emerging economies should adopt flexible exchange rates and modern well-regulated and competitive financial markets .

    西方经济学家得出的结论是,新兴经济体应采取灵活的汇率制度,并建立现代的、 监管 良好的、 竞争力的金融市场。

  • We will enhance the development of cultural industries and foster a well-regulated market for cultural goods .

    提升文化产业发展水平,培育和 规范文化市场。

  • We will speed up development of a multilevel capital market advance the reform to introduce a system for stock issuance registration and develop a well-regulated bond market .

    加快发展多层次资本市场,推进股票发行注册制改革, 规范发展债券市场。

  • Social virtues not to be disregarded in any well-regulated community .

    在任何一个 纪律 严明的社会中,社会的道德不容被轻视。

  • London has become the largest international financial centre he says because it can handle transactions on well-regulated markets with transparent and efficient operations .

    他表示,伦敦已经成为全球最大的国际金融中心,因为它能够在 监管 得当的市场上,通过透明、高效率的运作来处理交易。

  • A well-regulated revenue distribution system between governmental agencies .

    政府间收入分配关系 规范

  • Repeated madame nodding firmly ; ` but my dear ! I fear poor Emmy has not a well-regulated mind .

    老板娘坚定地点着头说,可是我亲爱的!我看可怜的爱米的 心地 不大 明白

  • The regulator will aim to issue licences to well-regulated and properly resourced hedge fund managers within four to eight weeks .

    该监管机构计划在4 周到8周 内向具备 良好 记录财力充足”的对冲基金管理公司发放牌照。

  • The government 's responsibility was to provide a well-regulated economy that guaranteed opportunity for citizens of ability .

    政府的职责是提供一个 管理 良好 积极环境保证 每个人的获得机会的能力。

  • A well-regulated stress response could influence how well children sleep and whether they eat in response to emotional distress just two factors that affect the likelihood for obesity .


  • A well-regulated militia surely implies both long training and long discipline .

    “一支 管理 严密的民兵”当然是既训练有素,又纪律严明。

  • Members of wacky religious cults are not part of a well-regulated militia .

    离奇古怪的宗教会道门成员不是 管理 严密的民兵 队伍的组成部分。

  • She has a well-regulated lifestyle .

    她的生活方式 规律

  • He pointed to the strength of our financial system : despite the adverse shocks of the past year our banking system remains healthy and well-regulated and firm and household balance sheets are for the most part in good shape .

    他指出了美国金融体系的强度:尽管过去一年里遭受多次负面冲击,美国银行体系仍保持健康,并 受到 良好 监管。企业和家庭的资产负债表大部分处于良好形态。

  • The internal control can keep enterprise operate safely well-regulated and accounting record correct .

    内部控制对企业实现经营信息正确记录和处理、财产安全、运行 有序 均有 重要 意义

  • A strong and well-regulated financial system should be the firstline of defense against financial shocks * .

    强大与 监管得力的金融体系应该是抵御金融冲击的第一道防线。

  • The competitive power of Li-ion batteries in the current battery market was analyzed . According to the world market of rechargeable batteries it was suggested that the Li-ion battery quality inspection should be emphasized and a well-regulated competition should be established .

    分析了锂离子电池在当前电池市场上的竞争力,综合了国内外小型可充电池的市场情况,提出了对锂离子电池加强质量监督,建立 有序竞争的建议。

  • Some people argue that a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state ( 2 ) the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed .

    为了保卫一个自由国家的安全,需要拥有一 管理 严密的民兵 队伍,因此,人们保存和携带武器的权利将不受侵犯。

  • Guns are for those who form part of a well-regulated militia that is the armed forces including the National Guard .

    枪支应给这些人,他们是 管理 严密的民兵 队伍的一部分,即是说,他们是包括国民警卫队在内的武装力量的一部分。

  • That is the language didn 't possess the character of an orderly and well-regulated society .

    也就是说,这种语言没有一个有秩序、 规范的社会的特色。

  • A well-regulated power supply provides the voltage for the photomultiplier .

    一个 高度 稳定的电源供给光电倍增管所需要的高压。

  • Yoga can change externality and internal secretion and metabolism of the body if someone keep on practice it well-regulated .

    如果一个人很 规律地练习瑜伽,瑜伽就能改变身体的外在 体型,也能 调整身体的内分泌和新陈代谢。

  • The key to our success is the ability to provide our companies our investors and our intermediaries with the most efficient equity markets platform in a neutral and well-regulated way .

    我们取得成功的关键是,我们有能力以一种中立的、 监管 有序的方式,向我们的公司、我们的投资者和我们的中间机构提供最高效的股市交易平台。

  • A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed .

    纪律 严明的民兵是保障自由州的安全所必需的,因此人民持有和携带武器的权利不得侵犯。

  • At present the Bombay Exhibition Gallery opened formally everything was well-regulated and came into the specific implement period .

    目前孟买展厅已正式全面开放,各项工作 井然有序现已 步入具体实施阶段。

  • The result indicates that the influences of these factors to transport properties are well-regulated .

    分析结果表明,各因素对 电弧输运性质的影响呈 明显 规律

  • The deadly outbreak of Escherichia coli ( E.coli ) infection in Germany raised fears and questions about food safety in well-regulated countries .

    德国致命的大肠埃希杆菌(大肠杆菌)感染疫情令人们恐惧,并质疑 监管 良好的国家中食品的安全性。