welded flange


  • There are two methods for welding radial stiffeners to bias-rail box girder : welded all around and open at tensile flange .

    起重机偏轨箱形梁横向加强板有加强板四周均 和在受拉 处空开2种焊接方式。

  • For WFP connection the flange plate was welded to beam flange by fillet welds and welded to column flange by butt welds while the beam flange was free to column flange .

    焊接翼缘板式加强连接(WFP)是一种 结构 改进刚性连接,加强板与梁的 采用角焊缝连接,柱翼缘采用对接焊缝连接,梁翼缘不直接与柱翼缘连接。

  • The structure of beam-colunm welded connection affects the bearing-load circumstance of flange weld obviously .

    梁柱 焊接节点构造对梁 翼缘焊缝的承载环境有明显的影响。

  • Our separators are designed with retainer clips that are pre-positioned and welded to the flange and bottom plate to ensure metal to metal contact throughout the separator package .

    我们分离的设计与剪辑聘有预先部署和 焊接 法兰 和底板,以确保金属接触整个分离器包。

  • The fracture process was accelerated by the factors as follows : the material used did not comply with the design specification welded joint of the flange did not be post heat-treatment had a martensite structure and hardness as high as 50 HRC in HAZ etc.

    法兰材料使用错误而导致 焊接接头的热处理工艺不恰当,导致产生异常的组织及硬度高达50HRC的热影响区,加速了法兰的断裂。

  • The results show that the welded joint can rotate largely in fire and flexure of column flange and shear deformation are main factors causing the rotation of joint furthermore column stiffeners can increase the critical temperature of joint by about 50 ℃ .

    试验表明: 焊接节点在火灾下有较大的转动能力,柱 的弯曲变形和 腹板的剪切变形是引起节点转动的主要因素,柱腹板加劲肋可提高节点临界温度50℃左右。

  • These include gusset plates welded to the flange .

    这些包括 焊接 上的节点板。

  • The flange flaring machines which is used to manufacture the pipe connector is designed . Compared with welded flange processing the spinning machine is not only energy-saving high reliability but also greatly improve production efficiency and the utilization of materials .

    使用该旋压机相比 焊接 法兰加工,不但节能、可靠性高,还可大大提高生产效率及材料的利用率,且被加工零件的外表光滑美观。