


  • In the three main straws of rice straw wheat straw and corn straw rice straw was the hardest one to degrade because of its high degree of polymerization and contained waxiness in plant .

    在稻草、小麦、玉米三种主要的秸秆中,稻草因植株中含有 蜡质 具有较高的 纤维素聚合度,而比较难降解。

  • Appearance quality of pear fruits is mainly composed of skin color size and density of fruit dot the fruit surface waxiness epidermal rust and other factors .

    梨果皮性状主要由表皮色泽、果点大小与密度、果面 蜡质、表皮锈斑等因素构成。

  • Studies on the Relationship between Head-splitting and Leafy Structure Calcium Potassium Waxiness Contents of Leaves in Cabbage

    甘蓝叶片组织结构特征和叶片中钙、钾及 蜡质含量与裂球的关系

  • Development of sweat fingerprints on waxiness surface

    蜡质 客体上汗 手印的显现

  • The waxiness was controlled by 3 pairs of duplicate genes with the non-waxy being dominant to the waxy ;

    糯与非 受3对重叠基因控制,非糯为显性;

  • Applying suitable refining dregs to control inclusion composition of steel for cord the purity can be up to higher level and make inclusions become waxiness at the same time ensure the steel for steel cord reach no wire breaking .

    采用合适精炼渣来控制钢帘线用钢夹杂物成分,纯净度能达到较高水平,同时实现 夹杂物 性化,保证钢帘线用钢无断丝。

  • By the ultrastructures of winter-jujube pericarp cold-shock treatment with ozonated water could clean out the waxiness of crackle and lenticel which is helpful for exchange of fruit internal CO2 and air and inhibit accumulating of ethanol concentration .

    从微观结构观察发现,臭氧水冷激处理可以清洗冬枣表皮裂缝和皮孔的 蜡质,有助于枣果内部CO2气体的排逸,从而延缓了冬枣的酒化;

  • The result showed the surface of one year living branch of ' Li hong ' had one film of white thin waxiness which could effectively decrease the drought of the winter harm ;

    结果表明:“丽红”一年生 枝条表面有一层白色 蜡质薄膜,可有效防止冬旱害的发生;