wear off

[wɛr ɔf][wɛə ɔf]


  • When the effects of alcohol wear off during the night you 'll probably be wide awake again .

    当酒精的作用在夜间逐渐 消逝时,你就会再次完全的醒来了。

  • As long as you work hard and learn modestly from others the pressure of taking up the new post will wear off .

    只要你努力工作,虚心向别人学习,新上任的压力会 逐步 消除的。

  • Stains come and go they just wear off .

    污渍来了又走了,它们会 逐渐 消失的。

  • But our many national brands not only can not join the international market but also wear off among joint investment .

    然而,我们的许多民族名牌在合资中不但没有走向国际市场,反而大量 丧失消失 损失巨大。

  • The exitement of moving to a new house will soon wear off .

    搬进一所新房子的高兴劲儿不久就会 消失

  • If you are a real tourist you probably do not stay long enough for this phase to wear off but go on to the next new location or experience .

    如果你是个真正的 旅行家,你不会在一个地方呆到完全对它 失去 兴趣 去游览下一个地方去感受新的经历。

  • It 's starting to wear off isn 't it ?

    已经开始 减弱 ,不是吗?

  • But the blood sickness is gonna wear off soon .

    不过这个血液疾病会很快 消失

  • The poison has paralyzed your body . it 'll wear off soon .

    毒药已麻醉 你的身体, 快它 就会发生效用。

  • Instead if you are going to use caffeine drinking early in the evening so it will wear off by the time you want to sleep .

    如果你想利用咖啡因提神,那就傍晚的时候早点儿喝,这样当你犯困的时候 就会 作用了。

  • Now that the initial shock was wearing off he was in considerable pain

    最初的震惊 渐渐 过去 之后,他感到疼痛难忍。

  • I have to wait for the damn glue to wear off .

    我要等着这倒霉的胶水慢慢 剥落

  • His rough manners will wear off soon .

    他的粗鲁态度很快 就会 的。

  • The effects of the injection should wear off in a few hours .

    注射的影响几小时就会 消失

  • Your sorrow will wear off in time .

    日子,你的悲哀是会 消失的。

  • The contraceptive effect wears off in two days .

    避孕效果两天就会 消失

  • Well it would have started to wear off .

    好,现在我就来 揭开 谜底

  • We 'll see what happens when the drugs wear off .

    等你药 退 再看看

  • Though alcohol is a depressant that will help you fall asleep in the short term once its effects wear off it can cause you to wake up prematurely .

    虽然酒精是能够帮助人们短期入睡的抗抑郁,但是一旦它的作用 消失,它会引起人们过早醒来。

  • The stimulating effects of caffeine in coffee colas teas and chocolate can take as long as8 hours to wear off fully .

    如咖啡、可乐、茶和巧克力中所含的咖啡因所 长生的兴奋效应需要长达8小时才能完全消除。

  • That acid must wear off naturally .

    酸必须得自然 消耗

  • The smell of the new paint will wear off in about a week .

    新刷油漆的气味大约一星期内会 逐渐 消失

  • The strangeness will wear off with time .

    陌生感会随着时间而 消失

  • For many the philosophy was merely a fashion and the novelty soon wore off

    对许多人来说哲学只是一种时髦 罢了,不久就没新鲜感了

  • I am afraid the gilt of the ring will wear off before long


  • Mind you the think-before-you-buy effects of serotonin wear off after a few hours .

    不过还要提醒 诸位的是,五羟色胺的这种抑制作用只能持续几小时。

  • Homesickness however takes a while to wear off if ever .

    然而,我的 思乡病花了一阵时间才消除&如果真能 消除

  • And at some point she says the advantage of an odd or unexpected name will wear off .

    她指出,到了某一点,另类或出人意表的名称的优势就会 减少

  • The plating is beginning to wear off in places .


  • The effects of the drug began to wear off .

    药效开始 消退