wax candle

[wæks ˈkændl][wæks ˈkændl]


  • Globules of wax fell from the candle .

    滴从 蜡烛上淌下来。

  • He told Tihon to get the letter out of his pocket and to move up the little table with the lemonade and the spiral wax candle on it and putting on his spectacles he began reading .

    他吩咐人把信从衣袋里拿出来,并把一张摆着一杯柠檬水和一 螺纹 蜡烛的小桌子移到床边,便戴上眼镜,开始看起信来。

  • She watched the wax as it dripped down the side of the candle .

    她注视着 蜡烛的边上滴落下来。

  • No wisdom the mind like wax candle without the lantern .

    没有智慧的头脑,就象没有 的灯笼。

  • Is it not possible to thicken the wicket or to expand the diameter of the wax around the candle in order to save the colouring effect ?

    是否可以加粗 蜡芯,或者扩展 蜡烛的直径为了保留燃烧效果?

  • There was a wax candle on each talbe .

    每张桌子上有一 蜡烛

  • Waxes for Dropping Resistance from Candle 's Container : Mainly used for candle dropping resistance from cup for cup candle to decrease the shrinkage of paraffin wax greatly and adding burning time of candle .

    杯蜡烛防脱杯剂:主要用于杯蜡 制品的防脱杯处理,明显减少 石蜡的收缩、加 蜡烛的燃烧时间。

  • To enjoy a scented candle place a drop or two into the hot melted wax as the candle bums .

    点燃一支蜡烛,在受热熔化的 上滴一两滴精油,你就可以享受香精 蜡烛散发的香气了。