weak convergence

[wik kənˈvɚdʒəns][wi:k kənˈvə:dʒəns]


  • A Result about Weak Convergence of Partial Sum of Stochastic Process Sequence

    随机过程序列部分和 收敛的一点结果

  • The existence and stability of the optimal control is established based on the parabolic regularization method and the weak convergence technique .

    用抛物正则化方法和 收敛技巧,证明了最优控制的存在性和稳定性。

  • For general Fork Join network a new method is introduced . As to given Fork Join network a weak convergence theorem for response time is gotten .

    对一般型Fork-Join网络,提出一种新的研究方法,并针对某一类型Fork-Join网络给出了响应时间的 收敛定理。

  • Abstract In this paper two kinds of queue model with priority-feedback are studied weak convergence limits of some indices of the above queue system are obtained .

    本文对两种带优先反馈的排队模型进行了研究,得到了有关的几个排队系统指标的 收敛极限,对完善特殊排队的 收敛理论有较好的理论价值。

  • In this paper the Mazur theorem on locally convex space is given and some properties of weak convergence net in barrel are given too .

    本文推广了文献中的Mazur定理,在桶空间中得到了局部凸空间 中弱 收敛网的几个性质。

  • Strong and weak convergence of the sequence of Ishikawa iterates

    Ishikawa迭代序列的强与 收敛 定理

  • Weak convergence theorems for λ - strict pseudo-contractions in 2-uniformly smooth Banach spaces

    2-一致Banach空间中λ-严格伪压缩映像的 收敛定理

  • The classical probability limit theory researchs largely the weak convergence or strong approximation of partial sums of random variable sequences .

    经典的概率极限理论研究的对象主要是随机变量的部分和的 收敛 或强 收敛 ,18]36w_1755就是这方面的经典文献。

  • Weak Convergence for Partial Sums of Moving-Average Processes Generated by Stochastic Process

    由随机过程序列产生的滑动平均过程部分和的 收敛

  • While in a uniformly convex Banach space with a Frechet differentiable norm the asymptotic regularity implies the weak convergence of the semigroup .

    而在具有Frechet可微范数的一致凸Banach空间中证明了渐近正则性隐含半群轨道的 收敛

  • In this paper Error of a smoothed random weighting estimate of empirical quantile process is studied and weak convergence is proved .

    本文对光滑的经验分位点过程随机加权估计误差作了讨论,并证明了其 收敛

  • In this paper we study the conditional weak convergence of random weighted U-processes of 2 order indexed by a class of functions and deduce the random weighting approximation of U-processes .

    假定F是一个由函数组成的集合.在这篇文章中,我们研究了指标集F上2阶的随机加权U-过程的条件 收敛性质,导出了U-过程的随机加权逼近。

  • Equivalence Theorem about Weak Convergence of Probability Measures ' Convolution Powers on Locally Compact Groups

    局部紧群上概率测度卷积幂 收敛等价性定理

  • In this paper N-union station Fork-Join queueing network is studied detailed by means of probability measure weak convergence and strong approximation in probability . We obtain weak convergence and strong approximation theorems for response time .

    本文借助于概率测度 收敛与概率论强逼近理论,较为详细地研究了N台并联Fork-Join排队网络,得到了响应时间、队长、离去过程的弱收敛与强逼近定理。

  • Weak Convergence of Ratio between Trimmed Sum and Order Statistics

    截断和与次序统计量之比的分布 收敛

  • In this paper we consider the queuing system for PRE priority discipline with service interruption by using the weak convergence theory of probability measure .

    运用概率测度 收敛理论研究了服务中断的PRE优先排队系统模型。

  • Monotone Convergence Theorems for the Integration of Function Sequence with respect to Weak Convergence Probability Measure Sequence

    函数序列关于 收敛概率测度序列积分的单调收敛定理

  • Weak convergence of Markov jump processes is characterized by the convergence of their imbedded chains .

    本文通过马尔可夫跳过程的嵌入链的收敛性表征马尔可夫跳过程的 收敛

  • A Sufficient and Necessary Condition for the Weak Convergence of Probability Operator Measure

    概率算子测度 收敛的一个充要条件

  • Weak convergence and weak compactness in sequence Orlicz Spaces

    OrlicZ序列空间中的 收敛与弱紧性

  • And the concept of x - convergence which is an extension of strong convergence and weak convergence is presented and the x-convergence of x-valued rough variables is discussed .

    引进了x-收敛的概念,强收敛与 收敛都是特殊的x-收敛,讨论了X-值粗糙变量序列的x-收敛。

  • A Sufficient and necessary condition on weak convergence of joint distribution of fixed rank order statistics and its concomitants is obtained also a sufficient condition on weak convergence of distribution of the maxima of concomitants of selected order statistics is obtained .

    得到了固定秩次序统计量和它的伴随次序统计量联合分布 收敛的一个充分必要条件,同时给出了一组选定的伴随次序统计量的极大值的分布函数弱收敛的充分条件。

  • It is proved that in a Hilbert space the weak asymptotic regularity implies the weak convergence of the semigroup ;

    在Hilbert空间中证明了弱渐近正则性隐含半群轨道的 收敛

  • As an application the strong consistency the law of the iterated logarithm and the weak convergence are established for the Markov chain adaptive designs in clinical trials .

    作为应用,建立了临床试验中Markov链自适应设计的强相合性,重对数律和 收敛

  • In this paper the limiting behavior of measure valued stationary processes are studied and a theorem about the weak convergence of the processes is obtained .

    本文对测度值随机过程的一个分支即测度值平稳过程进行了研究,得出了一个 收敛极限定理。

  • The main result is that we get a sufficient condition for the weak convergence of convolution powers of probability measures by using the method of local grouplization .

    讨论一类可数离散半群上概率测度卷积幂的 收敛 ,主要结果是利用局部群化的观点给出了概率测度卷积 收敛的一个充分条件。

  • Weak Convergence Theorems for a Common Solution on Three Problems in a Banach Space

    Banach空间中3类问题公共解的 收敛定理

  • Dominated convergence theorems for the integration of function sequence with respect to weak convergence probability measure sequence are studied . And some new equivalent conditions of weak convergence of probability measure are obtained . Then a sufficient condition of the epi-convergence of expectant functional sequence is obtained .

    研究了函数序列关于 收敛概率测度序列积分的控制收敛性,得到了控制收敛性定理,进而研究了期望泛函序列的上图收敛性,得到了概率测度弱收敛的若干新的等价条件。

  • For Poisson random measures the sufficient and necessary condition of weak convergence is given .

    给出了Poisson随机测度 序列 收敛的充要条件。