welding by one side


  • Cause Study of Porosities Formation in Semiautomatic CO_2 Arc Welding by One Side with Ceramic Backing Strip PROTECTION OF MARINE SHIPS : STATE OF THE ART IN CHINA

    船舶 焊接CO 2气体保护 单面焊气孔成因探讨

  • For the thicker steel plates welding can be accomplished by submerged arc-welding with both sides but when one side of the plate was welded the other face must be turned over in order to be welded .

    埋弧焊对于比较厚的钢板可以两面 来完成,但是焊完 一面后,必须将工件翻过来再焊另一面。

  • Study of Welding by One Side and Both Sides Formation with Fine Wire CO_2 Arc Welding

    细丝CO2 单面 双面成形 研究

  • The main reasons for the lower tensile strength when welding by one side are that the filler metal can not totally enter the bottom of the weld and there are porosities at the root of weld .

    对于 单面 焊接 接头,由于填充材料难以进入焊缝内部及根部存在气孔加剧了拉伸强度较低的程度。

  • Tentative Research on the Cause of Columnar Pore in Semi-Automatic CO_2 Arc Welding By One Side

    CO2半自动 单面 柱状气孔产生原因初探