weighted value

[ˈwetɪd ˈvælju][ˈweitid ˈvælju]


  • For both stage-based and module accumulation courses ( except Certificate in Vocational Studies course ) there is a parameter called Module Weighted Value . Weighted Norm Error Estimation with Finite Element Method for A Class of Fourth Order Nonlinear Singular Elliptic Problems

    阶段制及单元储修制课程均设有单元 加权系数(中专证书课程除外)。一类四阶奇异非线性椭圆方程的加权模误差估计

  • Kinds of economic characters of nuts from 41 individual plants in Castanea henryi were analyzed by principal component analysis and two comprehensive indexes were selected as assessment indexes of individual characters and weighted value of comprehensive indexes were taken as standards of individual sorting and assorting .

    运用主成分分析法对初选的41个锥栗单株的7个经济性状进行了分析,确定了评价单株优劣的2个综合指标,并以综合指标的 加权 大小作为单株排序和分类的标准。

  • This paper introduced the weighted value to obtain related degree during appling the method of grey related degree analysis to assess ambient air quality by each polluting factor producing different effect on the environment quality .

    本文对现有灰色关联分析用于环境质量综合评价的方法进行了改进,通过引入 权重因子计算关联度对环境质量进行综合评定。

  • A dot density weighted fuzzy C-means algorithm is proposed by using density size of data dot regarded as weighted value and distributing characteristic of data 's own .

    利用数据点的密度大小作为 权值,借助数据本身的分布特性,提出了一种点密度加权模糊C-均值算法。

  • The forecast accuracy of neural network can be increased by inputting different weighted value in mean function according to the contributions of the time sequence data to forecast values .

    依据时间序列数据的新旧程度对预测值贡献的大小,通过均值函数赋给输入数据不同的 权值 系数,提高了神经网络的预测精度。

  • It is demonstrated by both synthetic and real data sets and it is a new algorithm to find every attributes weighted value for each clustering .

    并通过人造的和真实的2种实验数据论证这种优化算法,提供了一种找出每一个类聚中每一个属性 权值的新算法。

  • The objective function is weighted value of mass augment and mean power level of radiated noise which is calculated with Finite Element Method and Boundary Element Method .

    采用有限元方法和边界元方法建立了复杂结构辐射 噪声 预测模型,用于计算辐射声功率级。

  • This paper advances a data fusion method with optimal weighted and analyzes the distribution principle for optimal weighted value ;

    本文提出了一种最优加权的数据融合方法,分析了最优 权值的分配原则;

  • Taking into account the speed and quality when actually applying formulas with weighted value for selecting key words and key sentences are given and the summarizing sentences are extracted by the original excerpts of passages .

    考虑到实际使用的速度和质量,本文给出了关键词和关键句选取的 权值公式,采用了原文摘录的方法提取文摘句。

  • An index System of Weighted Value increment for Function Analysis and Fruit Evaluation

    功能分析与成果评价的 加权 价值增量指标体系

  • Research of comprehensive multiparameter weighted value discrimination method on liquidity of well testing formation

    试油层产液 性质的多参数综合 判别方法研究

  • With the scale of distributed command system increasing the experiment showed that the algorithm exhibited the higher performance in the failure rate of task scheduling the weighted value of delay task and CPU utilization .

    实验同时表明,随着分布式指挥系统规模越来越大,该算法越能更好的在不可调度率、 加权滞后任务 和CPU利用率等方面体现优越性能。

  • Computing method of weighted value for feature item based on text representation can determine extraction of text feature which have influence on accuracy of the text clustering .

    文本表示中特征项的 权值计算方法决定了文本特征的提取,在很大程度上影响了文本聚类的准确率。

  • The basic idea of the algorithm is modified subjection value by adding weighted value and the optimal choice for parameter of number of clusters c based on cluster validity function .

    其基本思想是:通过对数据对象的模糊隶属度增加一个 加权 ,以及在算法中引入模糊聚类有效性函数对聚类数目c进行优选。

  • The experimental result indicated that the weighted value similarity computational method makes a great contribution to the system .

    从实验结果表明, 加入 权值相似度计算后,系统的检索正确率有了较大幅度的提高。

  • By comprehensive analysis and comparison of the data related to the liquidity of clastic formations in Tarim oilfield reflect including well logging and logging as well as well testing results a new comprehensive discrimination method called comprehensive weighted value method is suggested .

    通过对塔里木油田碎屑岩地层反映产液性的录井、测井资料和试油成果资料综合分析对比,提出了预测储层产液性质的新方法&综合 权值法。

  • It deals with how to determine the weighted value of adjacent degree and choose the corresponding fuzzy function by using the adjacent degree between the synthesis observation fuzzy set and the given fuzzy set while identifying aircraft targets in a multi-feature space .

    在多特征空间进行飞机目标识别时,利用模糊函数综合观测模糊集和已知模糊集之间的贴近度,探讨了贴近度 权值的确定,以及模糊函数的选取。

  • Through the analysis to the character of target range experiment the model of EW weapon efficiency evaluation under the usage of AHP is introduced emphasizing the description of how to attain the weighted value and efficiency value in the evaluation accompanied with examples .

    通过对靶场试验特点分析,运用AHP法介绍了电子武器效能评估模型,重点对评估中的 加权 和效用值的获取方法进行了描述,并举例说明。

  • In the new model the joint weighted value of texture and mean-error factors is calculated as the distortion metric .

    在这种新率失真模型中,纹理因子与误差均值因子的联合 加权 被用作新模型中的率失真因子。

  • The compute process of each layer security situation and weighted value determining method were emphasized in this paper .

    最后,利用真实的网络环境数据对提出的评估算法和 流程进行了验证,着重阐述了各层安全态势 的计算过程及 权重确定方法。

  • The hierarchical scheduling algorithm has higher efficiency than the A task scheduling algorithm and the cluster-based task allocation strategy . It makes the failure rate of task scheduling lower decreases the weighted value of delay task and significantly improves CPU utilization .

    该分层调度算法优于A任务调度算法和基于簇的任务分配策略的任务调度策略,不但使任务不可调度率降低,而且使 加权滞后任务 减小,CPU利用率显著提高。

  • The global optimal solution to the weighted value and the network structure is obtained by the optimized genetic algorithm .

    具有全局最优化遗传算法可使 连接 权值、网络结构得到最优解。

  • Firstly the weighted value of every idiographic indicator in this system was established by analytical hierarchy process and weighted arithmetic average was used to determine the analysis results of the indicators ' values of six aspects .

    首先,通过层次分析法确定指标体系中16项具体指标的权重,并采用 加权算术平均法确定6项评价指标的评价结果;

  • Based on the definition of typical day the weighted value through is deduced the data of mixed layer depth wind speed precipitation and humidity .

    根据典型日的定义,对混合层厚度、风速、降水、湿度的逐时资料进行分析得出各个要素的 加权 ,最终通过 加权 筛选出某段时间的典型日。

  • Our method is based on the iterative closest point ( ICP ) algorithm but takes a membership of weighted value to points in 3D surface obtained by reconstruction with structure light approach to weaken the influence of reconstruction error .

    算法在最近点迭代匹配算法的基础上,针对用结构光方法重建获得的三维物体表面,对数据点进行了 加权处理,以减弱曲面重建产生误差对匹配精度的影响。

  • It is on this basis that a database of the evaluation matrixes and the weighted value of factors are established which provide the foundation for the overall cockpit ergonomic evaluation and the establishment of the evaluation database system .

    在此基础上,构造了模糊评价矩阵、因素 权重 数据库流程图,为飞机座舱工效的总体评价及其数据库系统的建立奠定了基础。

  • The weighted value of the importance of each stroke in Chinese characters is not clear .

    汉字的每个笔画重要性的 加权 并不明确。

  • Algorithms on participle and calculation of weighted value are adopted .

    系统用到了分词、 权值计算等方面的相关算法。

  • The method is based upon the allocation of element discrimination value . The value is a weighted value of which the element is allocable and chosen and is comprehensively computed .

    该方法基于元素判别值的分配,其值是一个元素可调配和被选择的 权值,是经综合计算的。

  • The relationship between nodes in the network can be described as weighted value . A bigger weighted value means that one node contact others more frequently .

    我们对网络中节点与节点之间的关系用 权值表示,权值越大表示节点之间的接触也就越频繁。