water vapor

[ˈwɔtɚ ˈvepɚ][ˈwɔ:tə ˈveipə]


  • As the air is cooled the remaining water vapor is condensed into a liquid form .

    由于空气冷却,剩余的 蒸汽凝结成液体的形式。

  • Effects of Temperature on Gas and Water Vapor Permeability of Preservative Film

    温度对保鲜膜透气和 透湿性能的影响

  • Torrential storm occurs in stronger frontal zone of energy high humid region and water vapor flux convergence region .

    大暴雪发生在较强的能量锋区、高湿区和 水汽通量辐合区内。

  • Water vapor in the rising warm air condenses to liquid water .

    上升的暖空气中的 蒸气冷凝成液体的水。

  • Study on the Distributions Variations and Climate Impacts of the Water Vapor and Methane in Stratosphere

    平流层 水汽与甲烷的分布和变化及其气候效应的研究

  • The two principal combustion products are water vapor and carbon dioxide .

    两种主要的燃烧产物是 蒸气和二氧化碳。

  • Water vapor is also considered a greenhouse gas .


  • A technique called cleaning by water vapor for live power equipment was investigated .

    研究了电力设备带电 蒸汽清洗技术。

  • A differential resistance model was established to describe the permeation of water vapor across the hollow fiber composite membrane .

    建立了 蒸气在中空纤维复合膜中渗透的微分阻力模型,用实验验证了模型的可靠性。

  • Fuel cells meanwhile are clean generating electricity and emitting only water vapor and heat .

    同时燃料电池非常清洁,它在产生电能的同时只排放 蒸气和热量。

  • The higher the temperature of the air the more water vapor can it absorb .

    空气的温度越高,它能吸收的 蒸气就越多。

  • Activated carbon with decolorization capability to caramel was prepared from Yilan coal by activation with water vapor .

    以依兰煤为原料,采用 蒸气活化法,制备出了具有焦糖脱色力的活性炭。

  • Water that has condensed on a cool surface overnight from water vapor in the air .

    经过一晚空气中的 蒸气凝结在冷的表面形成的水。

  • Meanwhile the crystal damage derived from water vapor adhesion is resolved .

    同时,解决了 激光器低温工作时的 水汽附着导致的晶体损伤问题。

  • The transfer of water vapor has two sources of the Bay of Bengal and the East China Sea .

    这次 暴雨 水汽输送源地有两个,分别是孟加拉湾和东海海面;

  • The beauty of silica gel is the physical adsorption of water vapor into its internal pores .

    硅凝胶的美丽,是其内部的物理吸附的 蒸汽进入毛孔。

  • Some properties including the permeability water vapor permeability hygroscopicity thermal insulation property of several common materials have been tested for sports shoes .

    对几种常用运动鞋材料的透气性、 透水 性、吸湿性和保温性等卫生性能进行了测试研究。

  • Rust is the product of a slow combination of iron with atmospheric oxygen and water vapor .

    锈是铁和空气中的氧和 蒸汽缓慢结合的产物。

  • Most of atmosphere 's water vapor comes from evaporation of sea water .

    大气中的 水汽大部分来自海水蒸发。

  • Water vapor in the air combines with nitrogen and forms nitric acid .


  • Water vapor feedback in the tropical upper troposphere : model results and observations .

    热带对流层高层 水气反馈:模式结果和观测。

  • Calculate the water vapor transmission and permeance as follow .

    按照下式计算 蒸气透过率和 蒸气透过系数。

  • In this paper the technique of manufacturing activated carbon from waste materials of tobacco stems by microwave irradiation was introduced including zinc chloride method and water vapor method .

    文章介绍了微波辐射烟秆废料制造活性炭技术,其中包括氯化锌法和 蒸气法,并采用该技术进行了试验,取得了较好的效果。

  • The experimental results showed the air and water vapor permeability of polyurethane membranes are improved .

    结果表明,白木粉的加入能改善聚氨酯膜的透气和透 性能。

  • The enclosed space contains air water vapor and sufficient excess water so that the vapor is saturated .

    封闭容器的空间内储有空气、 蒸汽和足够的使水蒸汽饱和的水。

  • Warm air can contain more water vapor than cold air .

    热空气要较冷空气容纳更多的 蒸汽

  • It can suck water vapor out of the air .

    它能从空气中吸取 蒸汽

  • Water vapor as a medium power jet pump to form a vacuum is an important application areas .

    用水 蒸汽作为动力介质的喷射泵形成真空是一个重要应用领域。