water-borne disease

[医] 水传疾病

  • Chlorine was first added to a community water system in1908 in Chicago and was instrumental in eliminating many types of water-borne disease such as Cholera and Typhoid fever .

    1908年,芝加哥的公共用水系统首次加入氯,为的是要消除 饮用 引起的多种 疾病,如霍乱、伤寒等。

  • The increasing outbreaks of water-borne cryptosporidiosis and the risks associated with the disease in USA UK and other countries shows that outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis through drinking water are a serious threat to the life and safety of people who drink and use the water .

    美、英等国 隐孢子虫 的不断暴发流行及危害事实表明,介水隐孢子虫病暴发流行已经对饮用者的健康与安全构成了严重的威胁。

  • Water-borne cryptosporidiosis is an alimentary infectious disease caused by cryptosporidium oocysts through contamination of drinking water .


  • Cognitive investigations of water-borne disease in rural residents

    农村居民对 疾病的认知状况调查

  • China will build sanitary toilets to reduce the incidence among the fishing population of schistosomiasis a water-borne parasitic worm disease .

    中国将修建无公害化公厕以减少渔民 集散地等 上流动人群感染 传播 疾病血吸虫病的比例。

  • Cholera is a water-borne bacterial disease characterized by acute watery diarrhoea and vomiting and can rapidly lead to death if untreated .

    霍乱是 水源 细菌 疾病,该 特点为出现急性水样腹泻和呕吐。如不加治疗,可以很快导致死亡。