water source

[ˈwɔtɚ sɔrs][ˈwɔ:tə sɔ:s]


  • The water source has dried up .


  • New demands on quantity and quality of water source are raised with the rapid development of economy of Hangzhou .

    城市发展中的重要 资源,杭州社会经济的快速发展对 资源的量与质都提出了新要求。

  • Abs tract : Ultrafiltration of Huaihe River water source combined with coagulation treatment with pilot-scale experiment was conducted .

    本研究采用混凝 超滤联用处理工艺对淮河 进行了中试试验。

  • Analysis on the pollution sources of drinking water source of medium and small towns in China

    我国中小城镇饮用 水源地污染源探析

  • Forest vegetation around Nanwan Reservoir plays an important role in water source conservation and water soil conservation .

    信阳市南湾水库库区森林植被对南湾水库库区的 水源涵养和水土保持具有重要的作用。

  • Seawater desalination is one of the important ways to solve the lack of fresh water source in our country .

    摘要海水淡化是解决我国 资源短缺的重要措施之一。

  • Design and Application of Water Source Well Remote Monitoring and Control System


  • One way valve to prevent contamination of water source .

    单向阀门,用于防止 水源污染。

  • The jacket of the vessel was connected to a circulating hot water source .

    容器的夹套与循环热 水源相连。

  • Study on Effects of Cold Discharge of Lake Water Source Heat Pump Systems on Lake Water Quality

    湖水 热泵系统冷排水对湖泊水质的影响试验研究杓式冷凝水排出装置

  • The protection of drinking water source to safeguard the quantity and quality of water .

    饮用 水源保护和水量、水质保证。

  • Research on Specialized Fund System for China 's Drinking Water Source Protection

    我国饮用 水源保护专项基金制度研究

  • Annual energy consumption of Water Source Heat Pump System ( WSHPS ) and conventional heating system of villa buildings in30 cities of China were analyzed .

    对全国30个省会城市采用 水源热泵系统采暖与常规方式采暖的别墅建筑运行能耗进行了比较和分析。

  • Songhuaba reservoir is an important drinking water source of Kunming and the first drinking water conservation area in China .

    松华坝水库水源保护区是我国第一个饮用水源保护区,是昆明市最重要的饮用 水源地。

  • Liuzhou 's principal water source for industrial commercial and residential use is the Liujiang River .

    柳江是柳州市工业、商业和居民生活用水的主要 水源

  • Legal system for drinking water source protection in China

    我国饮用 水源地保护法规体系现状及建议

  • Without sewage treatment plant there is a problem in water source .

    没有污水处理厂,我们的 水源就会发生问题;

  • The water source runoff response and plant water source can be researched by using these differ of isotope composition .

    利用这种差异,可研究 水分 来源、径流响应和植物用水,本文综述了这一方面的研究和进展。

  • The feasibility of water source heat pump with mine water is proved through the application analysis .

    通过应用分析来证明矿井 水源热泵的节能可行性。

  • The exhibition will focus on three topics : water source protection global warming and the aging problem .

    该展区主要有三个主题:保护 水源,全球变暖问题和老龄化问题。

  • This paper presents water content analyse to help find water source and insure safety .

    采用水质分析法对水 化学 类型进行判别,从而找到了 水源,确保了安全生。

  • The driller adopts truck power and technical method of foam drilling which solves the problems of deficiency of water source and electrical source in field drilling work .

    本文介绍在野外钻探作业中车载钻机的设计思路,该钻机采用汽车动力和泡沫钻进的工艺方法,解决了野外钻探作业中 电源 水源的缺乏问题。

  • The key technology is the water source heat pump wells .


  • Environmental impact analysis for district heating by geothermy associated with high temperature water source heat pump ;

    地热温室是采用地热为 热源供热的一种温室,通过调查研究设计了一套 地热温室的采暖系统。

  • Although the makeup water source is city water it is drawn from wells .

    虽然化妆 来源是城市水,但是它从井被画。

  • Design of Underground Water Source Heat Pump and Ice Cooling Storage System in Shenyang Commercial City

    沈阳商业城地下 水源热泵和冰蓄冷系统设计

  • China 's first sea water source heat pump project in2004 in Qingdao power plants built to use .

    我国第一个 海水 热泵项目于2004年在青岛发电厂建成使用。

  • Application of factor analysis method to the water quality evaluation of water source protection area

    因子分析法在 水源保护区水质评价中的应用

  • The main water source is fracture-karst water in Middle Ordovician carbonate rocks .

    主要的 供水 水源为中奥陶统碳酸盐类岩石中的裂隙-喀斯特水。

  • Function and Application of Reactive Power Compensation Technique in the Water Source System

    无功功率补偿技术在 水源地系统中的功能及应用