


  • On the background of DS waterlocks key construction the dissertation summing up the present research conditions on the construction-schedule early-warning summarizes the waterlocks key project and its construction characteristics comprehensively hereby points out potential risk factors of construction-schedule systematically .

    论文以DS 水闸 枢纽工程施工为研究背景,在综述国内外施工进度预警研究现状的基础上,全面总结了水闸枢纽工程及其施工特点,据此,系统地给出施工进度潜在的风险因素。

  • The Analysis about the Reason of Scouring of low & rea ches of Waterlocks

    水闸 下游冲刷原因的分析

  • Therefore it has strong realistic meaning and a certain theory value to study on construction-schedule early-warning model of waterlocks key project .

    因此, 水闸 枢纽工程施工进度预警模型研究具有很强的现实意义和一定的理论价值。

  • The dissertation also applies schedule early-warning model to the DS waterlocks key project gives the sign value of schedule points provides risk handling with theory foundation accordingly .

    论文将进度预警模型应用于DS 水闸 枢纽工程,给出了进度点的警 值,从而为风险应对提供了理论依据。

  • Research in the scheme for reinforcing and danger removing of Xin'an waterlocks of the Wuwei Changjiang River levee

    无为大堤新安 除险加固设计方案研究

  • Waterlocks key project is the most important infrastructure . It is the long construction cycle great work complex environment and many affected factors that make construction-schedule control difficulty extremely .

    水闸 枢纽工程是极其重要的基础设施,其施工周期长、工程量大、环境复杂且影响因素众多,这给施工进度控制造成极大的困难。