

[医] 极端水肿的(病人)

  • The herdsmen must get the animals to new grazing before the snow melts and they are trapped by water-logged land .

    牧民们必须在积雪融化前把动物们 到新的牧场,他们正被土地 束缚

  • In order to have possibilities to treat the reinforced water-logged lacquer-ware the reversible experiment was carried out by using poly-alcohol .

    为了给已加固饱水 木器文物留下再处理的空间,本研究对高级醇加固的饱水木器进行了可逆性实验。

  • Study on the leaf microstructure of tissue cells soybean from with different resistance to water-logged stress


  • Optimization of Environmental Control Plan for Mining-induced Collapse Water-logged Zone

    采煤塌陷 积水区环境治理方案优化

  • Into the stagnant swamps fall dead limbs trunks leaves and spores soon to be water-logged and to sink .

    枯萎的树枝、树干、树叶和孢子落进这种停滞的沼泽里很快就 饱含 水分 向下沉降。

  • In water-logged Burma now known as Myanmar World War II crews built dozens of bridges while under constant attack by the Japanese .

    在缅甸 这个 水乡 泽国,二战的 军民 在日军不断攻击的 情况还是建了几十座桥。

  • It was very clumsy but lasted a great many years before it became water-logged and perhaps sank to the bottom .

    它很粗笨,可是用了很多年,才 全部 此后也许已沉到湖底去了。

  • If a float gets water-logged it will naturally sink .

    如浮 浸水,则自然会下沉。

  • A Study on the Reclamation through Drainage of the Water-logged low-yield Farmland in the Four lake Region

    四湖地区 低产田排水改良研究

  • Water-soluble acrylic resin used in consolidating and dewatering water-logged lacquer-ware

    水溶性丙烯酸树脂在出土饱水漆 木器脱水 定型中的应用研究

  • Research on Drainage-Irrigation Techniques for Water-logged Paddy Fields


  • Traditional water-logged cultivation of rice consumed a huge amount of water and led to some serious environmental problems especially when large dosage of fertilizer and pesticide had been applied .

    传统的 淹水 方法 不仅耗水量巨大,而且在大量施用化肥、农药的 情况下会带来很多环境问题。