


  • The design fabrication and test of a semiconductor ring laser with two coupling bus waveguide are reported in this paper .

    设计制备了一种双 波导耦合输出半导体环形激光器,并进行了相应测试。

  • Latest advance for several kinds of modal analysis methods for dielectric waveguide is reviewed .

    综述介质 波导中模式分析方法的最新进展。

  • A novel wide-angle three-branch optical waveguide with equal power division is proposed which contains three high-index microprisms .

    本文提出了一种新型的宽角度等功率分配三分支 波导结构,此结构包含三个高折射率微棱镜。

  • A new method using metal dielectric waveguide ( MDW ) is presented .

    现提出采用金属介质 波导(MDW)的新方法。

  • In this paper we fabricate a polymeric waveguide Bragg grating filter using a replication process .

    本论文运用一种复制流程研制高分子 波导布拉格光栅滤波器。

  • Erbium-doped planar optical waveguide amplifiers have potential application in the area of civil aviation communications .

    掺铒光 波导放大器(EDWA)在民航机场通信领域具有广阔的应用前景。

  • This paper is the first to report the plasma characteristics of CO_2 waveguide laser .

    本文首次报导了CO2 波导激光器的等离子体特性。

  • Optical effects in intersectional silicon waveguide switch are investigated by using beam propagation method .

    运用光束传播法对硅交叉 波导全内反射 开关中的光学效应进行了详细分析。

  • The optical waveguide can be planar or cylindrical such as an optical fiber .

    该光 波导可以是平面或圆柱的,例如光纤。

  • The properties of the shear-horizontal ( SH ) surface waves in a piezoelectric acoustic waveguide have been analyzed theoretically .

    从理论上分析了压电声 波导中水平剪切表面波的特性。

  • It is the focus to get eigen equation of all kinds cross section waveguide in guide wave optics .

    求解各类截面 波导的本征方程,一直是导波光学研究的焦点问题。

  • Coupling coefficients ring sizes and waveguide lengths of microring resonator arrays can be arbitrary in this approach .

    耦合系数,环腔尺寸和 波导长度在本方法中可以任意设置。

  • Therefore the square resonator with an output waveguide is a promising candidate to realize single-mode directional emission microcavity lasers .

    因此带输出 波导的正方形谐振腔是一种可以获得单模定向发射的微腔激光器,具有广泛的应用前景。

  • This thesis work has researched the fabrication technics of photonic crystal defect waveguide with air-bridge structure and collecting waveguide ;

    本论文对空气桥结构光子晶体带隙限制光 波导及其接续 波导的制作工艺进行了研究。

  • These devices have optical waveguide structure moderate doping level and active layer thickness .

    该器件带有光 波导结构并具有适当掺杂和有源层厚度。

  • Study of Band Gap Broadening Method and Waveguide Transmission Property of Photonic Crystal Formed by Holographic Lithography

    全息光子晶体禁带展宽方法和 波导传输特性的研究

  • The numerical results are useful for the design and fabrication of this kind of Y-Branch waveguide .

    数值结果为该类Y分支 波导的设计和制备提供参考。

  • Application of beam waveguide feed system in pulse radar antenna

    波束 波导馈电系统在脉冲雷达天线中的应用

  • The method to calculate waveguide dispersion can be applied to multi-cladding fibers .

    计算 波导色散的方法可推广到多包层光纤。

  • Electromagnetic Wave 's Transmission Characteristics in Plasma Coaxial Waveguide

    电磁波在等离子体同轴 波导中的传播特性研究

  • The fast and slow waves can both propagate in the waveguide system .

    快波和慢波都可以在这种 波导中传播。

  • Frequency of the fiber laser can be modulated by driving the waveguide phase modulator with proper voltage .

    光纤激光器的频率可以通过给环形腔中的 波导施以适当的电压来进行调制。

  • This paper designs a novel drive system of the waveguide multilayer memory ( WMM ) .

    设计了一种新型的 波导多层存储光盘驱动系统。

  • Two designs of asymmetric Y-branch waveguide with a rectangular transitional section are introduced in this paper .

    提出了带有矩形过渡区的非对称Y分支 波导的两种设计方案。

  • A short overview of integrated waveguide demultiplexers for different applications in future highly integrated optical communication systems is presented .

    简单地总结了集成 波导解复用器在未来的高度集成光通信系统中一些可能的应用。

  • There are obviously different features of quantum cascade microcavity lasers for different formats of waveguide and resonant cavity .

    不同的 波导和谐振腔形式,对应的量子级联微腔激光器的特性有显著的不同。

  • Earth-ionosphere waveguide radio wave propagation for the production and transmission of radio broadcasts .

    地-电离层 波导电波传播广播制造和传送的地方。

  • Square microcavity laser with an output waveguide is proposed and analyzed by the finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD ) technique .

    本文提出了带输出 波导的正方形微腔激光器,并利用时域有限差分法进行了分析计算。

  • The transmission characteristics of hollow metallic film-coated circular waveguide for THz radiation have been theoretically analyzed .

    文章理论分析了太赫兹波在金属镀层空芯圆 波导中的传输特性。

  • The flow sensor has a structure of cantilever beam with ridge waveguide .

    流量传感器具有带脊型 波导的悬臂梁结构。