water-bearing sand

[医] 含水沙层

  • Selection of Precipitation Scheme for Submerged Water-bearing Formation with Middle-sized Coarse Sand and Cobblestone

    粗砂 砾卵石潜水 水层降水方案选择

  • The examples of application to the oilfields indicated that 3-resistivity overlying method can not only effectively distinguish between oil-and water-bearing zones in sand and shaly sand formations and calculate the effective water saturation of oil-bearing zones but also effectively identify oil-and water-bearing zones in calcareous sand formation .

    油田应用实例指出,三电阻率覆盖法能够有效地直观识别 砂岩和泥质砂岩油、 水层,计算油层有效含水饱和度,同时还能够有效地直观识别钙质砂岩地层。

  • In order to ensure the similar permeability the water-bearing beds are classified by lithological character which are A ( gravel sand gravel ) B ( sand-gravel sand ) and C ( sand ) .

    为使 水层导 性相近,将 水层按岩性分为A类(砾石- 砂砾石类)、B类(砂砾石、砂类)和C类(砂类);

  • After most reservoirs in Shengli Oilfield came into high water-bearing period such phenomena have appeared as serious deficiency lowered temperature large amount of sand production in reservoirs and so on .

    胜利油田多数砂岩油藏已进入高 含水期开采,油层温度普遍有所降低,同时大量 ,造成 地层亏空严重。

  • New Sinking-by-Drainage Method Used in the Construction of Extra Large and Special Shaped Open Caisson in Water-Bearing Sand Bed

    特大型异形沉井在 含水 砂层中的新颖排水下沉法