


  • Zhou reported the experiences of this newspaper many well-intentioned people lent a helping hand .

    本报报道周某的遭遇后,不少 好心人伸出了援助之手。

  • G-7 ; developed country interests even if well-intentioned cannot represent the perspective of the emerging economies .

    即便 出于 好意,发达国家的利益也不能代表新兴经济体的立场。

  • But no matter they are usually well-intentioned .

    但是, 无论如何,通常他们的 出发 都是 的。

  • Even though this is such an intuitively appealing idea and even though it was exceedingly well-intentioned I believe it has had disastrous effects .

    尽管这是一个非常有直觉感染力的想法,尽管它是 出于 好心好意,我还是相信它已经带来了完全失败的结果。

  • We probably do not need any more well-intentioned initiatives or non-profit organisations to help enterprise .

    我们或许不需要出台更多 善意的倡议、或成立更多非盈利组织,来帮助人们创业。

  • The teacher 's mind that a lot of people were aware well-intentioned people who went to help him .

    老师的心思很多人都知道, 好心的人就去帮助他。

  • But this well-intentioned gesture swiftly proved a costly mistake .

    但事实很快证明,这一 善意举动是一个代价高昂的错误。

  • We even HAD to accept as well-intentioned the so-called anti-corruption slogans of the bad individuals .

    那些别有用心的人 提出的所谓反腐败的口号,我们也要 当好话来接受。

  • This was kind and well-intentioned but struck me as information going to a committee of the wrong people since I wanted a doctor not a hotel manager and his deputies .

    他们的询问很贴心, 也是 出于 好意,但却让我 感觉 回答错了人,因为我要看的是大夫,而不是饭店的经理和副经理。

  • Any well-intentioned feedback from you would be most appreciated .

    对你们 提出任何 善意的回馈我都深表感激。

  • He was shot as he made a well-intentioned but misguided attempt to stop the robbers single-handed .

    他在试着单枪匹马地制止抢劫时被杀,他的行为 意图 可嘉,但方式不对头。

  • To say that there are not caring honest and well-intentioned physicians is another inaccuracy .

    如果说没有一个有爱心,诚实和 善意的医生,也是不准确的。

  • The GRI is well-intentioned and has had a positive impact on company reporting said Mr Melvin .

    梅尔文表示:GRI 用心良苦,对企业报告产生了积极的影响。

  • At the same time I am well-intentioned advice you and your family must be located in this matter calmly .

    同时,我 善意的规劝你和你的家人一定要冷静地处里这个事情。

  • Eg. some people may hold different ideas about this but they are still well-intentioned .

    一些人会有不同意见,但那也是 出于 好意

  • As a result its well-intentioned charitable programmes risk being ill-received .

    其结果是,它的 好意的慈善计划有可能不受欢迎。

  • Well-intentioned campaigning organisations have fed us with sentimental descriptions of the polar bear giant panda and blue whale .


  • At that time there are well-intentioned fellow remind him that prostitutes infected with AIDS care .

    当时,有 老乡 善意提醒他,小心嫖娼染上艾滋病。

  • Consequently it is better not to behave too carefree in public even though you are well-intentioned .

    因此,即使你是 出于 好意,在公共场合也不要表现的太自由自在。

  • Some people may have different views about this but they are still well-intentioned . I disagreed with Len & he said the picture was good and I said it was bad .

    我不同意 赖因的意见&他说这张画好,而我说不好。

  • While often well-intentioned proposals to protect the US economy from foreign goods can backfire .

    虽然经常 出于 目的那些保护美国经济 受外国货物 冲击的提案可能事与愿违。

  • For these middle elements also criticized us but their criticisms were well-intentioned .

    因为中间派也批评我们,但他们是 好心的批评。

  • And although we had a lot of critics they were mostly well-intentioned .

    尽管我们听到了很多批评的声音,但他们大多都是 心怀 好意

  • But there also are occasions when an awkward bit of praise may be sincere and well-intentioned .

    但在一些情况下, 那些刺耳的赞美其实很真诚,而且 并无 恶意

  • Sometimes they are made by well-intentioned leaders who are not fully informed .

    有时 政策动机 良好 信息不充分的领导人 制定

  • He is well-intentioned but a poor administrator .

    他是个 有一 好意能力很差的主管。

  • Novels praised poor vagrants orphans on the noble courageous and well-intentioned who have expanded the evil cowardly and insidious way to pay tribute to character and good people .

    小说赞扬了贫民、流浪者、孤儿、土著居民的高尚、勇敢和 善良,鞭挞了歹徒们的邪恶、卑鄙和阴险,以此来赞扬品格高尚、美好的人们。

  • Self-important poorly-informed well-intentioned at times but always an idiot .

    妄自尊大, 耳目闭塞,有时 出于 好意,但总是一个白痴。