


  • This monk is very well-spoken indeed .

    这个和尚确实是 的。

  • They were very well-dressed and very well-spoken .

    他们衣着 得体 而且 谈吐 文雅

  • Her aunt was well-spoken and had a pleasant manner .

    她阿姨 谈吐 优雅举止 人。

  • His words were carefully chosen and well-spoken .

    他选词审慎, 表达 得体

  • He is well-spoken certainly educated but he has no knowledge of science or history and his maths are basic at the very best .

    说话 文雅言辞 得体,明显接受过良好教育,但是他没有任何关于科学和历史的常识,他的数学 即使在最好的情况下也很基础。

  • I remember her as a quiet hard-working and well-spoken girl .

    我记得她是个安静、勤奋并且 谈吐 优雅的女孩子。

  • She also wrote a new book the well-spoken woman : Your Guide to looking and sounding your best .

    最近,她还出了本新书&《 职场指南: 如何 展现的形象和声音》(YourGuidetoLookingandSoundingYourBest)。

  • Being articulate and well-spoken is of great help in any profession and knowing that you can speak to higher-ups with self-confidence can be an enormous boost to your self-esteem .

    语言表达流利对任何职业都大有好处,有自信的与 上级交流可是对自尊的大大增加, 甚至对职业都是个帮助。

  • I 'd say that he was extremely well-spoken .


  • As clearly brave and well-spoken this young man is Snowden is not a high-level employee at Booz ( bah ) .

    斯诺登显然是个勇敢的、 说话的年轻人,但是他在博思艾伦公司并不是一位高层员工。

  • She was well-spoken and had a pleasant manner .

    谈吐 文雅举止 人。

  • With the further development of the reforming and opening of China to learn how to draft a well-spoken and compact contract or agreement becomes more and more important .

    它们我们 日常工作中 着不可 忽视的作用,随着我国改革开放的进一步加深,学会草拟一份 得体而严密的合同或协议变得越来越重要。

  • As a beautiful flower that is full of hue but lacks fragrance even so fruitless is the well-spoken word of one who does not practice it .

    只说 好话而没有实行是毫无结果的,这好比一朵美丽的花,徒具颜色而没有芳香。

  • You 've got to act gentlemanly and well-spoken .

    你们要有绅士派头, 说话 文雅

  • A well-spoken gentleman ; a few well-spoken words on civic pride .

    说话 得体的绅士;关于市民自尊心的一些得体的话。