weiss theory


  • The axiomatic scheme of topological degree theory was given by Aman and Weiss in 1973 . Space C ( X X ) which denotes a space of all continuous functions from Banach space X into X has the topology of uniform convergence .

    拓扑度 理论的公理体系,已在1973年由Aman和 Weiss给出,空间C(X,X)取一致收敛拓扑。

  • Weiss 's molecular field is the classical theory to explain self-magnetization but the physical essence about molecular field is not explained by the Weiss 's.

    Weiss “分子场”理论是解释自发磁化的经典 理论,但并不能说明“分子场”的本质;

  • Weiss 's theory ( 1948 ) shows that the paramagnetic anisotropy does exist in the single crystals of chrome alums .

    Weiss 理论(1948)为基础的计算表明铬矾单晶的顺磁各向异性是存在的。

  • Heavy rare earth Dysprosium has a complex magnetic structure it is impossible to calculate directly its magnetization and magnetic entropy with Weiss ' molecular field theory .

    重稀土Dy具有复杂的磁结构,不可能用 分子场 理论直接计算它的磁化强度和磁熵。