white arsenic

[hwaɪt ˈɑrsənɪk][hwait ˈɑ:sənɪk]


  • Effect of sodium selenite and white arsenic on cell cycle Apoptosis drug fast in adenocarcinoma of lung cell

    亚硒酸钠、 砒霜对肺腺癌细胞周期、凋亡、耐药的影响

  • The Inhibitive Effects of Purified Realgar and White Arsenic on Cervical Cancer and Its Influence on Apoptosis

    精制雄黄和 白砒对宫颈癌裸鼠移植瘤的抑瘤作用及对凋亡的影响

  • A new acid leaching method producing cubic crystal antimony white from arsenic containing complex dyscrasite is advanced in which NaClO 3 is used as oxidant in HCl system .

    通过对复杂含 锑银矿制取锑 的研究,提出了采用HCl体系,NaClO3为氧化剂酸性浸出的处理方法。

  • Engineering design of hazardous waste disposal in white arsenic producing chemical plant


  • It was pointed out that the shortcoming and harm present in the traditional process using white arsenic to make animal specimen . The key techniques of making animal specimen by using technical principles of leather-making and fur-making were introduced .

    指出了使用 砒霜制作动物标本传统工艺的缺点和危害,介绍了应用制革、制裘技术原理制作动物标本的若干技术要点。

  • Arsenic trioxide ( arsenic trioxide As2O3 ) is one of effective ingredients of the white arsenic ( a traditional Chinese medicine ) .

    三氧化二砷(arsenic trioxide As2O3)是传统中药 砒霜的有效成分之一。

  • The Inhibitive Effect of White Arsenic on Cervical Cancer Transplanted in Nude Mice and Its Influence on the Expression of Bcl-2 Protein

    白砒对宫颈癌裸鼠移植瘤的抑瘤作用及对Bcl-2表达的影响靶向抗癌 砒霜)白蛋白纳米球的研究

  • Producing Cubic Crystal Antimony White from Arsenic Containing Complex Dyscrasite

    从复杂含 锑银矿制取立方晶型锑

  • The investigation results indicate that : ( 1 ) During the process of waste acid based on the proposed result of air oxidation flocculent precipitation arsenic in waste acid can be transformed to high-class white arsenic or arsenic acid copper product .

    在污酸处理过程中,用本文研究出的空气氧化絮凝沉淀法可将污酸中的砷转化为一级 或商品砷酸铜;

  • The smelting of high arsenic concentrates ( 2.6 % ) to white metal allows removing over 95 % of the arsenic in the off-gas .

    将高砷(As2.6%)铜精矿熔炼成 冰铜后,烟气中95%以上的 可除去。

  • To comprehensively recover and utilize the tailings resource and to lighten the pollution to the environment tests were made on a combined technology consisting of arsenic separation from sulfur after pretreatment with reagents white arsenic extraction by roasting and tin separation from the roast slag .

    为综合回收利用该尾矿资源,减轻环境污染,研究了加药预处理后硫砷分离、焙烧提炼 、烧渣选锡的组合工艺。