


  • It is the handwheel adjustment of the kerosene stove wick .

    这是煤油炉炉 的手轮调节

  • Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning .

    好奇心是学习这根蜡烛的 烛心

  • You have not yet dipped your wick .

    老二还没 用场

  • The equipment required consists of two mercury thermometers and one cloth wick .

    所需设备包括两个水银温度计和一个 布条

  • The keeper 's essential task was trimming the lantern wick in order to maintain a steady bright flame .

    守塔人的基本工作就是修剪 灯芯,以便火焰明亮而稳定。

  • They 're used as a wick to keep him going .

    被当作 灯芯让他继续表演。

  • Abstract : Using high pressure greasing technique the special protection grease for steel cable is poured into the flax wick of steel cable at the operation .

    文摘:采用高压注脂技术,向运行中的钢丝绳麻 注入专用的钢丝绳防护脂。

  • The bulb of a thermometer is covered with a close fitting cotton wick which is kept wetted with water .

    在温度计的球上,缠着一 配合紧密的棉 ,并用水使其保持湿润。

  • A wick connects it to a reservoir .

    一灯 把它与 水槽相连。

  • A bruised reed he will not break and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out .

    压伤的芦苇他不折断将残的 灯火他不吹灭。

  • A tallow candle with a rush stem as the wick .

    一种以灯芯 茎为 灯芯的动物脂肪作成的蜡烛。

  • Additionally it is also known that the permeability of the wick has a great effect on the resistance .

    并从 计算中知道, 蒸发器 渗透率的 大小 对此 流动阻力的影响甚大。

  • Make sure it 's a technical fabric such as polypropylene or CoolMax which wick water and sweat away from your skin .

    确保那件是高科技衣料,比如聚丙烯或 Coolmax料的,这类合成料会吸走皮肤上的雨水和汗水。

  • With the increasing demand for the cooling of electronic chips the micro heat pipe with the sintered wick has become an ideal heat radiator .

    目前电子芯片对散热的要求越来越高,烧结式 吸液 微热管已经成为电子芯片理想的散热元件。

  • In another embodiment the shell of the device includes flexible graphite and an optional wick structure .

    在另一实施方案中,该装置的罩壳包括柔性石墨和任选的 结构。

  • He knows that all those sensations will be pacified with the dissolution of the body just as the flame of a lamp goes out when oil and wick give out .

    他知道,所有这些感觉会因为身体的解体而变得安静,就像是一盏灯的火焰,当油和 灯芯 出去时就熄灭了。

  • Its wick trimmers and trays are to be of pure gold .

    38灯台的蜡剪和 蜡花盘也是要精金的。

  • The temperature of the wick and the bulb falls below that of the air .

    纱布 温球的温度下降而低于空气的温度。

  • We visited a whole host of places between wick and thurso .

    我们访问了 威克和瑟索之间的许多地方。

  • Denis Wick offers silver-plated and gold-plated mouthpieces .

    丹尼斯 维克提供镀银和镀金的号嘴。

  • Therefore a single-loop CPL system was made and studied in the thesis in which the porous wick of main was used and the experimental investigation was carried on into the system performances .

    为此,本文利用简单的干道式毛细 ,设计制作了一个单回路CPL系统,实验研究了该系统的性能。

  • The key parameters mainly including selection of heat pipe working fluid and heat pipe shell material determination of wick structure and so on were discussed .

    主要包括热管工质、管壳材料的选择以及 吸液 结构的确定等。

  • A lamp burns and has neither wick nor oil .

    一盏灯烧了起来却没有 灯芯也没有 灯油

  • They made its seven lamps as well as its wick trimmers and trays of pure gold .

    用精金做灯台的七个灯盏,并灯台的蜡剪和 蜡花盘。

  • Lightweight formula helps wick away perspiration absorb excess oil so makeup looks fresher longer .

    轻重量的配方帮助几乎适应湿度变化,吸收多余油分,让 彩妆更加清爽,延长彩妆时间。

  • Like thousands of Candle burning faint flame ablation in Zhu Lei the failure to burn the wick to stay is not seen signs of incurable trauma .

    像燃烧了千年的红烛,微弱的火光消融在烛泪中,未能燃尽的 灯芯留的是不见痕迹、无法治愈的创伤。

  • It 's very hard to turn the wick up and down .

    灯芯很难旋上 下。

  • The Professor was beginning to get on Molly 's wick .

    教授快要把 莫莉 了。