



  • This text has mainly proposed some discussion opinions on this processing method explained its processing principle set up mathematics model proposed optimizing the design prospect of the excellent horn of knife edge to the improvement of the machining accuracy of the whorl finally .

    本文主要是对该加工方法提出了一些探讨性见解,并阐述了其加工原理、建立了数学模型,最后对 螺纹加工精度的提高提出了优化刀刃优角的设计展望。

  • He stared at the whorls and lines of her fingertips .

    他盯着她指尖的 流纹

  • It is joined inserts helping jointly that its characteristic is whorl the price is suitable .

    其特点是 螺纹连接、插合方便、价格适宜。

  • Any of several shrubs or trees of the genus Prunus cultivated for their showy white or pink single or double blossoms . Most obvious of these are the brightly colored petals supported by a whorl of sepals .

    樱属灌木或树种,银白色或粉红色单子萼或双子萼花冠。其中最明显的是鲜艳的花瓣,花瓣下有一 萼片。

  • Complicated Tails Whorl Stream-the Flocculation Concentrates Fleetness Dehydration Technology Practice

    复杂尾矿 旋流-絮凝浓缩快速脱水技术实践

  • Users use the whorl tool of our factory to already create the quality product and export products exempt from inspection etc.

    本公司生产 螺纹工具经国家产品监督所 各项技术 测试和产品抽验, 达到 国内 同类 先进 水平

  • ( botany ) divided into five parts ; specifically having each floral whorl consist of five ( or a multiple of five ) members .

    (植物学)分成五个部分的;特别是每个花 由五部分(或五的倍数)组成。

  • So reducing whorl root stress focus may distribute to improve bolt intensity and life .

    因此,减少 螺纹根部应力集中、改善应力分布是提高螺栓疲劳寿命的主要途径。

  • The testa sculptures of Acer are divided into four types as follows : ( 1 ) moasaic ; In the method we classify the fingerprints into S kinds : whorl right loop left loop arch and tent arch .

    从种皮的雕纹类型看,槭树属的种皮可以概括为四种类型:(1)嵌合型;在此将指纹分为5类: 型、右旋型,左旋型,弓型,弧型。

  • Chi-square test is based on the morphological characteristics and rotating direction of whorl .

    依据 的形态特征及旋转方向进行卡方检验。

  • This is quickly followed by the appearance of the second whorl of stamen primordia .

    接着很快出现了第二 雄蕊原基。

  • There 's a broken whorl on the thumb and four whorls on the fingers of the left hand .

    左手的大拇指是个破 ,其他四个指头都是螺。

  • The processing method for inside whorl of middle and small hole is introduced .

    介绍了中小孔径内 螺纹的加工方法。

  • Believed to be created by wind that whorl around equator speeds up to 230 miles per hour .

    这被认为是风在 赤道形成高达每小时230英里的 螺旋

  • User 's unanimous favorable comment deeply our factory can also manufacture various kinds of special whorl tools according to the needs of user .

    用户使用我公司 螺纹工具 创出 优质 产品 出口 免检 产品等,深受用户一致好评,我公司还可根据用户需要,承制各种特殊 螺纹工具。

  • The centrifugal graining equipment that we design mainly uses liquid compelling whorl and centrifugal movement effect principle .

    所设计的离心粒化设备主要利用了流体的强迫 及离心运动效应原理。

  • Combined with constructive experience many years it illustrates quality control method of steel bar rolling & linear whorl connection from aspects of raw material control 、 linear whorl head control and quality control of connective joint on the scene so as to guarantee its connective quality .

    结合多年的施工经验,从对原材料的控制、直螺纹丝头的控制、现场连接接头的质量控制等方面,对钢筋滚压直 螺纹连接的质量控制方法进行了阐述,以确保其连接质量。

  • Arranged in or forming whorls or a whorl . botany ; not cyclic ; especially having parts arranged in spirals rather than whorls .


  • The complex pump body in the pump is fabricated by that a pump body a whorl casing a liquid inlet pipe and a cover plate are assembled .

    泵中复杂泵体由泵体、 壳、进液管及盖板等部分组装而成。

  • Any liliaceous plant of the genus Trillium having a whorl of three leaves at the top of the stem with a single three-petalled flower .

    延龄草属的多种百合科植物之一,三片叶在茎顶端 轮生,花单生、有三片花瓣。

  • According to the number and relative position of core points and delta points extracted from the fingerprint image we classify the fingerprint into the following six classes : arch tented arch left loop right loop whorl twin loop .

    通过提取出的指纹图像中核心点和三角点的数目和相对位置,我们将指纹图像分成了六种类型:拱型,尖拱型,左环型,右环型, 型,双环型。

  • Botany ; forming a whorl or having parts arranged in a whorl .

    植物学;形成 轮生 或者具有排成轮生体的部分。

  • Where has selling the rubber nipple not needing whorl cover ?

    哪里有卖不需要 盖的橡胶奶嘴?

  • Forming one or more whorls ( especially a whorl of leaves around a stem ) .

    形成一个或多个轮生体(特别是绕着干生长的 轮生叶)。

  • Most obvious of these are the brightly colored petals supported by a whorl of sepals .

    其中最明显的是鲜艳的花瓣,花瓣下有一 萼片。

  • This effect of position ensures that achenes of each whorl germinate when they reach the periphery and are disconnected .

    这种位置效应确保了每一圈的瘦果在到达外围并且分离的时候 萌发。

  • To the reason of fatigue destruction of the rail bolt carry on the structure analysis that increase the radius of round corner of whorl root change the height of the whorl change the appearance structure of the nut to the ordinary triangular rail bolt .

    针对钢轨螺栓的疲劳破坏的原因,对普通三角形钢轨螺栓进行结构上改进,提出增加 螺纹根部圆角半径,改变螺纹高度,改变螺母外形结构等方法。

  • Analysis on double loop whorl

    双箕 调查分析

  • Total N accumulation in single plant was decreased when two leaves above ear leaf were cut off or the up whorl of the shoot-borne roots was removed at the tasselling stage .

    吐丝期剪去穗位叶以上连续两个叶片或 切去地上部最上层节根均减少了植株体内的氮素累积。

  • Before whorl stage there was little effect of larvae on corn plants although they fed leaves .

    喇叭口期以前的幼虫为害虽然 造成 叶,但其 成活 很低,对玉米影响不大。