white patch

[hwaɪt pætʃ][hwait pætʃ]


  • In the white patch of taping taping in the experiment there were significant differences ( p0.05 ) .

    在用 白色 布进行贴扎的实验中,贴扎前后有显著性差异(p0.05)。

  • The bird is in moult and it may be the case that a lot of feathers have been lost from the underwing in one go producing this white patch .

    这只鸟羽毛磨损,而且翼下的羽毛掉了很多,造成 白色 区块

  • I 'm hungry said the little white rabbit so they stopped playing and ate a large patch of dandelions .

    “我饿了。”小 白兔这么一说,他们就不玩了,大口大口地吃起了 蒲公英

  • When a pronghorn in the herd sees danger it raises the white patch of hair on its rump as a warning signal to the others .

    叉角羚羊群中谁发觉险情,便将它臀部上的 白色突起,向其他羚羊发出危险信号。

  • A superficial form of glossitis marked by irregular red patches on the tongue and sensitivity to hot or spicy food . The clinical manifestations included erythema erosion and white patch in the oral cavity and the tongue and ingestion of the pharynx .

    一种浅表型舌炎特征是舌面有不规则的红斑对辛辣食物敏感。主要表现为口腔粘膜及舌部红斑、烂、 和咽部充血。

  • The male has a distinctive white patch on its tail .

    公的尾巴上有一处明显的 白斑

  • In a white patch of light where the moon shone through the branches a man 's hand was plucking spasmodically at the grass .

    在月光透过树枝撒下的那一 星星点点的亮光中,一个男人的手正在痉挛地乱抓地上的青草。

  • Results The white patch in oral mucosa was found in 32 cases with painless or slight pain in most cases .

    结果40例二期梅毒患者中32例口腔表现为相似的 黏膜 ,最好发的部位是舌。

  • The research results are as follows : ( 1 ) Color balanced algorithm of gray patch remedies the deficiency of white patch algorithm invalid in analyzing low gray level picture and the defect of gray world algorithm which can only use for picture with abundant of color variation .

    研究内容及成果如下:(1)Graypatch色彩平衡算法,弥补 white patch算法分析低灰度图像无效的不足,以及grayworld算法只能用于色彩变化丰富图像的缺陷。

  • Venus appears to have only a white patch on her chest which is not enough to explain the blue eye .

    而维纳斯显然只有在它胸口有 一撮 白毛,这就不足以解释为什么它有一只蓝眼睛。

  • In the moonlight I could see a tear glistening on the white patch of his blind eye .

    月光照着他那只失明的眼睛,暗淡无光的 瞳仁含着泪水。

  • The complaint was vulva white patch with itch for 8 years .

    患者女性,17岁,因外阴 白斑伴瘙痒8年就诊。

  • He has a dog with a white patch on its back .

    他有一只背上有 白毛的狗。

  • Having white feathers or markings on the head as in some birds or mammals . common North American finch with a white patch on the throat and black-and-white striped crown .

    常见的北美洲雀鸟, 喉部有白色斑点,头冠为 黑白相间的条纹。