white mouth

[hwaɪt maʊθ][hwait mauθ]


  • Peters examined DNA samples from SCC tumors from normal-appearing skin adjacent to the tumor when available ; from white blood cells and from cells washed from the mouth .

    Peters密切合作,检查了来自SCC肿瘤的DNA样本J及肿瘤附近正常皮肤标本,如果可能:还包括全血细胞和 口腔含漱细胞标本。

  • In the case of toothpaste you probably serve your interests sufficiently by quickly choosing any toothpaste that keeps white teeth securely rooted in your minty mouth .

    在牙膏的这个例子中,你很有可能会快速地随便选择一管牙膏,其实这样就能够满足你的要求了,因为任何一种牙膏都能让你的牙齿 洁白并让你的 口气保持清新。

  • He had black close-cropped hair grey eyes with long lashes white cheeks and a mouth pouting As though he were determined not to cry

    他一头剪得很短的黑发,长长的睫毛下面有一双灰色的眼睛, 白皙的面颊,撅起的 嘴巴,就跟强忍住哭似的

  • Warning signs include ulcers sores red or white patches in the mouth lasting more than three weeks and unexplained mouth or ear pain .

    警报症状包括溃疡、皮炎, 口腔 出现持续时间达三周以上的红斑或 白斑,以及原因不明的嘴疼或耳疼。

  • Experiment research of white beads in mouth cavity in enzyme inhibition mold infection

    抑制 口腔 白色念珠菌感染的实验研究

  • I tried to wash his mouth with some toothpaste he was taking it as white chocolate-a mid-night food since then we stopped to offer that and used a wet towel to clean his mouth .

    尝试了一回牙膏刷牙记,小娃娃简直当那牙膏是宵夜 巧克力来吃掉。随后再也不供应 宵夜,湿毛巾净刷代之。

  • The typical features of Termites are grayish white no wings soft body with mouth and short feeler .

    典型的白蚁特徵是灰 白色、无翅、体柔软,有咀嚼式 口器以及短触角。

  • Her face was white - not merely pale but white like snow or paper or icing-sugar except for her very red mouth .

    除了她那血红的 以外,她的脸就像雪、纸或冰糖一样

  • He takes out a little bottle . takes out a pill and puts it into Snow White 's mouth . Andrew jabbed a finger pointing to a collection of pharmaceutical bottles and packages on a side table .

    从身边掏出一只小瓶子,倒出一粒丹药,上前,扶起 白雪,喂到她 嘴里.安德鲁猛地伸出手指,指着墙边小桌上的一大堆药瓶和盒子。

  • It is a white sparkling wine with a nice small foam in the mouth .

    这是一款 起泡在 中形成迷人的泡沫。

  • My face has white eyes a red nose and a blue mouth .

    我长着 白色的眼睛,一个红鼻子和一个蓝 嘴巴

  • A white coat does not imply albinism provided nose mouth and eyelids are black .

    白色被毛的狗,如果鼻镜、 、眼圈是黑色的,就不是白化病,可以接受。

  • Her smooth white thighs were sweet under his mouth and hands .

    对于他的 和手,她的温润 白净的大腿是多么甜美呀。

  • Hassan Agha sahib wants to talk to you ! He was standing by the front door dressed in white hands tucked under his armpits breath puffing from his mouth .

    这时阿里唤他进屋:哈桑,老爷想跟你说话!他身穿 白色衣服,站在门口,双手缩在腋下, 嘴里呼出 气。

  • Tips : Guanyin stems dripping poisonous white sap drops of water is also toxic touching or eating the wrong juice throat and mouth can cause discomfort a burning stomach flu .

    温馨提示:滴水观音茎内的 白色汁液有毒,滴下的水也是有毒的,误碰或误食其汁液,就会引起咽部和 的不适,胃里有灼痛感。

  • Through his lack of attention to the game he had put his white stone into a “ tiger 's mouth ” formed by three black stones .

    由于他漫不经心地下棋,他的 白子掷到黑子的 虎口 去了。

  • Its elegant and expressive nose of white fruits and lemon smells matches harmoniously with its generous mouth and its great balance between fruits and vivacity .

    它有着优雅而丰富的水果和柠檬的气味。 口感活泼而 果味清新,结构平衡。

  • A flush went over Cade 's white face and Cathleen 's long lashes veiled her eyes as her mouth hardened .

    此时凯德 苍白的脸涨红了,凯瑟琳也垂下了长长的眼睫毛,紧闭着

  • And the boy presses him back against the plush white cushions tasting of bitter smoke his mouth demanding .

    那个男孩背靠在长毛绒的 软垫上,吻起来有苦涩的烟味,他的 嘴巴在索求着。

  • The experiment use the ceramics filter which the Shandong aluminum business company provided we make a small experiment in the filter pole model in Wuhan White Crane Mouth water supply plant than we make a middling experiment in the filter tank model .

    试验采用了山东铝业公司提供的陶瓷滤料,在武汉市 白鹤 水厂滤柱模型处进行了小试试验,在滤池模型处进行了中试试验。

  • A traditional sparkling sweet white in Asti with apple juicy peach nose and fresh good balance in mouth .

    非常有特色的意大利微型起泡葡萄酒,来自优质法定产区的出品, 入口甜美清新,富有苹果和 水蜜桃的芳香。