white peak

[hwaɪt pik][hwait pi:k]


  • Results The white blood cells in peripheral blood increased significantly in APL patients treated with ATRA and reached the peak at day 12 myelocyte and metamyelocyte were the most .

    结果ATRA治疗后APL患者外周血 细胞明显升高,平均12天达到 高峰,并且以中晚幼粒细胞为主。

  • In this paper comparative studies on the memory responses of white mice to earthquake premonitory thunders with a main peak frequency of 200 Hz and to pink noise are given .

    本文比较研究了 小白鼠对 主峰频率200Hz的前兆性轰隆声和对粉红噪声的记忆反应。

  • Determination of Trace Volatile N & Nitrosocompounds in White Spirit Beer and Wine by GC alld Peak Matching Technique

    色谱-质谱 匹配技术测定一些酒类样品中四种挥发性 N&亚硝基化合物

  • The TUNEL-positive cells were found in the compressed region at 4h after spinal cord injury with a maximum presence at 24h in the compressed segment and labeled glial cells in white matter reached a peak at 72h .

    TUNEL阳性细胞,损伤段灰质在脊髓损伤后24h达到高峰, 质在脊髓损伤后72h阳性细胞数量达到 高峰

  • Given the extensive application of FPGA technology and the pseudo-random sequence has the similar correlation of white noise the measurement process of the interference noise has little effect on the correlation peak .

    鉴于FPGA技术的广泛应用和伪随机序列具有与 噪声相近的相关特性,测量过程中的干扰、噪声对相关 峰值影响很小。

  • Conventionally red green and blue ( RGB ) - emitting materials are simultaneously used to obtain white emission in OLED but it is difficult to control the intensity of each RGB peak .

    传统的方法是采用红、绿、蓝色多层叠合产生 白光,但难以控制各基色的 峰值强度。

  • The relative moving rate of enzyme spectrum changed with development stages and the spectrums of Zhaodong Mudanjiang and Jixi white clovers fluctuated and reached the peak in the maturity stage .

    酶谱带相对迁移率随生育期变化而变化,肇东白三叶、牡丹江白三叶、鸡西 白三叶是曲折发展,成熟期达 最高

  • You will know that the crimson and gold of maple and birch are powdered with white and the peak to the south glimmers ghostly against a gray sky .

    你会知道,深红色、金黄色的枫树和桦树都披上了 银装。南边的 山峰在灰色天空的衬托下,像幽灵似地时隐时现。

  • Result : After injury TUNEL positive cells were found in the compression region and neighborhood after 4h with a maximum presence at 8h in the compressed segment and labeled glial cells in white matter reached a peak at 24h .

    结果:损伤4h后,在损伤段及邻近段可见末端标记阳性神经元,损伤段灰质中阳性细胞数8h达 高峰,24h 质中阳性胶质细胞数量 高峰。

  • The boy wore a white cap with a green peak .

    这个男孩戴着一顶有绿色 帽舌 帽子。

  • Two groups of patients postoperative white blood count C-reactive protein Aspartate aminotransferase Alanine aminotransferase lifts quickly peak after the first day the second day began to decline .

    两组病人术后C反应蛋白、 细胞计数、丙氨酸氨基转移酶、天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶指标均迅速升高,术后第一天 达到 高峰,术后第二天开始下降。

  • Experiment results prove that the new method can remove Gaussian white noise effectively reserve image edges better and enhance the peak signal-to-noise ratio .

    去噪实验结果表明,该方法能有效去除图像中的高斯 噪声,且图像中轮廓和边缘保持较好,极大提高去噪图像的 峰值信噪比。

  • The results show that ( 1 ) the white jadeite jade has dark blue light purple or greenish yellow cathodoluminescence and the spectrum peak is at 370 nm or 554 nm ;

    结果表明:(1) 白色翡翠主要发暗蓝色、浅紫色和绿黄色光,与之对应的阴极发光谱 位于370nm或554nm处;

  • This white peak contrasts finely with the blue sky .

    雪白 山峰同蔚蓝的天空交相辉映。

  • Blue and white porcelain is one of the important types of Chinese traditional decoration art . The Ming Dynasty is the history of the development of Blue and white porcelain of a period of peak .

    青花瓷是重要的中国传统装饰艺术种类之一,而明代是 青花瓷器发展史上的一段 鼎盛时期,这个时期青花瓷的数量和质量都很可观。

  • Domestic production and consumption of diesel thermal coal steel plastics chemicals and white goods had all returned to if not surpassed the peak levels of the boom times of early 2008 by June this year .

    今年6月,中国国内柴油、热煤、钢铁、塑胶、化学制品和 大型家电的生产和消费,均已恢复至如果说没有超越的话2008年初经济繁荣时期的 最高水平。