
[hwɪt, wɪt][wɪt]


  • The hikers were tired and didn 't care a whit where they slept .

    远足者已筋疲力尽,他们一 也不在乎睡在哪里。

  • The hostess is every whit as elegant as a lady .

    女主人完完全全像 贵妇人一样高雅。

  • The judge listened to the defence argument but said he was not a whit convinced .

    法官听了被告方的理由后却 丝毫没被说服。

  • Whit respect to the proposal I think it 's quite irresponsible .


  • The circuit inside the lamp is designed whit overcharge resistant function ang short circuit protection device .

    灯具内部电路设计具有 防止过充,短路保护装置功能。

  • She lived when the earth it of hundreds of millions of shimmering whit heart and her soulful attachment !

    她睡去的时候,人间的那亿万颗晶 的心,将她 顾盼和依恋!

  • When you show up whit smile I will waiting for you under a apple tree .

    当你带着 微笑 重新出现,我会的苹果树下一直等你。

  • Some low houses covered with whit snow came into sight .

    眼前出现了一些平房,房顶上覆盖着 白雪

  • The stables were sluiced out whit water from a hose .

    马厩已用 水龙管冲洗过。

  • I don 't care a whit whether she stays or not .

    我毫不在乎她的 去留

  • He cared not a whit for the social political or moral aspects of literature

    他毫不 在乎文学的社会、政治或道德层面

  • Among the very quickest to mature KANDY KORN doesn 't sacrifice one whit of flavor for speed !

    在成熟最快的品种中,KANDYKORN不会因为速度而损失 的味道!

  • No one ever thought more of you than whit .

    没人比 维特更看重你了。

  • It does not matter one whit to the customer .

    这对顾客来说一 关系 没有。

  • The greater it is The less you see of it . Whit 's it ?

    越大你能 见到的就越少的东西是什么?

  • The orchestra gave its first performance on Whit Monday .

    乐团在周一的 圣灵 降临 举行了首场演出。

  • He 'd have been against us gone to whit .

    他会出卖我们的,他会 去找 维特

  • None of that matters a whit and none of it will make you happier .

    这些根本 无足轻重,也无一会使你更快乐。

  • A genus of herbs of the family cruciferae ; have broad leaves and whit flowers and long siliques .

    十字花科的一个草本属;宽叶, 少量花,长角果。

  • Jose and whit been intimate ?

    保持密切关系有 多久了?

  • There is an old whit two-story house on the left side just before you cross the bridge .

    在我快要下桥的地方的左边有一座 白色的老式二层 小楼

  • I picked out a cute black and whit one .

    我挑了一只可爱的黑白 花猫

  • I wired whit but I didn 't tell him .

    我给 维特 了电报,但是没有告诉他。

  • One must consider how the use of these elements in wearable art compares to their use in the art and clothing of the past as well as how this work is related to aesthetics contemporary whit it .

    一个必须考虑如何在穿戴这些艺术元素的使用比较他们在艺术和过去衣物的使用,以及如何工作是与美学的当代 降临了。

  • Her appearance is always perfect whit the sheenthat only money can buy .

    她的外表总是完美的,有 那种只有钱才能买来的光彩。

  • Then lifted her skirt and showed them her ruffles and laces and whit fluffy duck she said she was learning a new way to bring up her children so they would not spit .

    然后抬起她的裙子,让他们搅乱,蕾丝花边和 蓬松鸭她说她学习一种新的方式来抚养她的孩子,所以他们不会随地吐痰。

  • Even whit all these resources this mission will not be a cakewalk so careful planning and coordination is needed .

    虽然 拥有这样的资源这个任务也不会是一个轻松任务,所以小心的计划和协调作战是非常必要的。

  • Whit can I fix for dinner ?

    我用什么来做 晚餐呢?