white metal

[hwaɪt ˈmɛtl][hwait ˈmetl]


  • This research was for the neutral gray balance of heating dry ink printed on white ink substrate in metal printing & can making packaging industry .

    对包装行业 印铁制罐中 墨底基结合热干性油墨的中性灰平衡进行了研究。

  • The colors are white pink and mirrored gold in glass metal light wood ceilings and fiberglass for an understated opulence .

    颜色是 白色,粉红色和镜像玻璃, 金属,轻木天花板和玻璃纤维为低估富裕金牌。

  • Liquor precipitate mainly included white flaky precipitate ( induced by flavoring additive metal container pipeline water quality filtration equipment and new liquor bottle etc. )

    白色沉淀主要由香精香料添加剂、 金属容器及管道、水质、过滤设备和新酒瓶等因素引起;

  • A new type of high power white LEDs ( HPW-LEDs ) based on metal core printed circuit board ( MCPCB ) and chip on board ( COB ) technique is designed and demonstrated its opto-electrical characteristics are measured .

    设计、制作了基于 金属线路板和板上芯片技术的大功率 白光LED,对其光电特性进行了实验测量,输入电流达到800mA,对应的输入功率3.3W,大功率LED的输出光通量才达到饱和。

  • It is a soft silvery white metal not found free in nature and rarely used as the metal ( except as a chemical reagent ) because of its extreme reactivity .

    是一种柔软、银 白色 金属,自然界不存在游离状态。由于它化学性质极端活泼,所以几乎不把它作为金属使用(除了做化学反应剂)。

  • The green lawn in a white metal mesh of the background look fresh and clean .

    绿色的草坪在 白色 金属网的衬托下,显得清新整洁。

  • Taupe loves white natural linens shades of stone metal and dark stained wood .

    灰褐色能够与 白色,中性的线条, 金属制品以及深色的木制品构成完美的搭配。

  • We make to order of18K gold yellow or white with different size and shape then use metal printer to print on the picture .

    可定做不同尺寸、形状的 18K金牌项链坠,并打印 上心爱人的照片。

  • There is not pursuing complex but simple : white highlight lacquer cylinder metal drawing and crystal coating-glass .

    白色钢琴烤漆、柱状 金属拉丝、透明的镀膜玻璃,委婉中透露出过分执着,要的不是斑斓,只是简单。

  • Under the guidance of the white line inner the metal zip fastener and the indicative paint external the products the products can be shrunk well .

    金属卡条内侧 白线和产品表面的温度指示漆可指导加热收缩恰到好处;

  • The characteristics of heat stabilization plate-out and blooming of white metal soaps commonly used as heat stabilizers for PVC and their regularities were studied .

    研究了常见 白色硬脂酸 金属皂用作PVC热稳定剂的热稳定和压析、喷霜特性及其规律性。

  • In percentage terms the white metal has even outperformed gold as some analysts agree that for the second part of2008 silver was left behind and now there 's some lost ground to be regained .

    白银百份比数指显示, 白银表现比黄金更好,分析员认为是由2008年第二季,白银在市场在停留了一段时间,造成目前有空间回赚。

  • The smelting of high arsenic concentrates ( 2.6 % ) to white metal allows removing over 95 % of the arsenic in the off-gas .

    将高砷( As2.6%)铜精矿熔炼成 冰铜后,烟气中95%以上的砷可除去。

  • An inlaid furniture decoration ; tortoiseshell and yellow and white metal form scrolls in cabinetwork .

    镶嵌的家俱装饰;龟甲和黄和 白色 金属在细木工作过程中形成卷轴。

  • Silver is metallic chemical element represented by Ag having atomic number 47 . It is white lustrous transition metal which has the highest electrical conductivity as compared to any element and the highest thermal conductivity as compared to any metal .

    银(Ag)是一类重要的金属元素,原子序数为47,呈 白色,具有 金属光泽,在所有元素中具有最高的电导率,导热率也比任何其它金属都高。

  • Study of Surface White Layer in Hard Metal Turning

    高硬 金属加工过程中表面 层的研究

  • Everything was covered in that white dust with giant pieces of metal lying around and the buildings crushed beneath it .

    所有的一切都笼罩在 白色的烟尘中,巨大的 金属碎片横躺在身边,建筑倒塌在上面。

  • It is a white lustrous precious metal valued for its beauty .

    是一种色泽 亮的贵 金属,其价值之一就在于它漂亮的外观。

  • In this thesis the flame atomic absorption spectrometry in the principle of atomic absorption method was used and the content of the element in steel materials for ships such as white metal cupronickel and aluminous alloy was determined .

    本文主要利用原子吸收法原理中的火焰原子吸收法测定船用材料钢、 合金、白铜、铝合金中各元素的含量,从而为船舶生产中所投产的原材料的质量提供了技术保证。

  • Formation of the high chromium white iron parts with gradient structure via semi - solid metal extrusion

    固态挤压形成高铬 铸铁梯度组织材料

  • The Application of Carbon - Graphite Impregnated White Metal in Water Medium

    碳石墨材料浸渍 巴氏 合金及其在水介质中的应用

  • White powder effective hard-water complex metal ions such as calcium and magnesium lower hardness and change the water quality to make it more conducive to washing operation .

    白色粉末,有效络合硬水中的钙镁等 金属离子,降低硬度,改变水质,使其更利于洗涤操作。

  • The Optimun Design of White Metal Shaft Bearing for Large Ships

    大型船舶 管轴承的优化设计

  • High-arsenic concentrates can be smelted to white metal in a cyclonic reactor and the solid ground white metal be converted to blister copper in a second cyclonic unit .

    高砷铜精矿可用旋涡反应器熔炼成 ,白冰铜研磨后,可用第二台旋涡反应器吹炼成粗铜。

  • Analysis for Ling ' ao Nuclear Power Station unit 1 exciter No.11 bearing white metal damage and its operating temperature abnormal high

    岭澳核电站1号机组励磁机11号轴瓦 乌金损坏及运行温度高的原因分析

  • A white salt present in urine and used to test for metal oxides .

    尿中的一种 白色的盐,用于测试 金属氧化物。

  • I see you collected some more white man 's metal .

    似乎你又中了 白人 枪子儿。

  • Direct production of white metal and blister copper by cyclonic smelting

    用旋涡熔炼法直接生产 和粗铜