white heat

[hwaɪt hit][hwait hi:t]


  • Dare you see a Soul at the White Heat ?

    你敢于注视一个 白热状态的灵魂吗?

  • Then add the white wine and cook over medium-high heat until almost dried .

    倒入 白酒,用中 大火煮至差不多乾透。

  • Summer hats for men and women should be white to reduce the heat .

    夏季戴的男女帽子应采用 白色,以减少 热量 吸收

  • The characteristics of heat stabilization plate-out and blooming of white metal soaps commonly used as heat stabilizers for PVC and their regularities were studied .

    研究了常见 白色硬脂酸金属皂用作PVC 稳定剂的热稳定和压析、喷霜特性及其规律性。

  • The white sand reflected the sun 's heat .

    白晃晃的沙地反射出太阳的 热气

  • The world visible outside the patch of shade was roasting in the blazing noonday sun and a blinding white sheet of simmering heat enveloped the river valley .

    树荫外面的世界被正午的毒阳曝烤着,一片 花花的灼 气流罩着河谷。

  • Wider white and mid-length petiole green leaf heat tolerance resistant to diseases .

    中脚紧凑、叶色绿,叶柄宽 耐热、抗病。

  • The sun 's rays beamed down on our heads with a white heat .


  • Objective : To determine the activity of avidin in hens egg white power after heat treatment .

    目的:了解经过一定 温度处理的 蛋清粉中抗生物素蛋白的活性。

  • Three days at white heat completed his narrative .

    狂热 了三天,完成了他的故事。

  • The microstructure of Cr-Mn-Cu alloy white cast iron changed after different heat treatment .

    铬锰铜合金 白口铸铁在经过不同的 处理之后,组织发生了变化。

  • The battle between the two groups was At a white heat .

    两大集团之间的竞争已达 白热化。

  • The influence of micro-structure of alloying white iron used for mill roller on heat fatigue resistance

    轧辊用合金 白口铸铁显微组织对 疲劳抗力的影响

  • A Preliminary of Report on Breeding of a New Variety of White Clover with Drought and Heat Resistance

    抗旱 耐热 白三叶新品种选育初报

  • Wear Light Colors : Darker colors will absorb the sun 's rays and be warmer than light or white clothing which reflects light and heat .

    穿浅色衣服:深色衣服会吸收太阳射线,浅色和 白色衣服能够将光和 反射出去,因此深色衣服比浅、 白色衣服的温度高。

  • White or shining surfaces reflect heat ; dark surfaces absorb it .

    白色的或发亮的表面反射 ,而黑暗的表面则吸引

  • The latter is of white colony heat resistance and smooth chlamydospores .

    后者耐 高温,菌落 白色并有光滑的厚垣孢子。

  • Circular dichroism measurement found the formation of a β - sheet and random coil-based secondary structure in egg white proteins after heat treatment . The structural changes caused by the heat treatment of egg white proteins contributed little to the DH growth .

    圆二色性测定发现热处理后蛋清形成了以β-折叠和无规卷曲为主的二级结构, 蛋清处理引起的蛋白质的二级结构变化对DH的影响不大。

  • The growth curve and oxford cup method were used for the determination the antibacterial properties of egg white after different heat treatment to S. enteritidis S. aureus E. coli .

    采用生长曲线法和牛津杯法测定了 蛋清在不同 加热处理后的对S.enteritidis、S.aureus、E.coli的抗菌特性变化。

  • The fierce flames of his mad desire to destroy suddenly rose to white heat .

    包围着吴荪甫全身的那股狂暴的破坏的火焰突然升到了 白热化。

  • He was at a white heat when I paid him a visit .

    当我 拜访他时,他正在 愤怒之中。

  • The reason why white clothes are cooler is that they reflect the heat .


  • The results showed that the composite pipe is composed of ceramic layer pearlite transition layer and cast iron layer with white iron layer heat diffusion zone and matrix of base nodular cast iron .

    结果表明:复合管由陶瓷层/珠光体过度层/铸铁层组成,铸铁层又由 白口/扩散层/原始球墨铸铁基体组成;

  • Morphological Changes of White Blood Cells in Rats during Heat Exposure

    暴露大鼠 细胞的形态学观察

  • This paper highlights the experiment results in improving the toughness and hardness of white cast iron by heat treatment .

    介绍了通过 处理提高 白口铸铁硬度和韧性的试验结果。

  • Ando 's recent lecture in shanghai leaded to another white heat of Ando fan .

    日本著名建筑大师安藤忠雄在上海的演讲,引起了新一轮 安藤

  • Her face became purplish except for little white marks over it that didn 't heat up .

    她的脸几乎变成了紫色,还有些 白色的小 斑点