white mustard

[hwaɪt ˈmʌstəd][hwait ˈmʌstəd]


  • Studies on pollen ── stigma interaction between Chinese cabbage and white mustard

    白菜与 间花粉&柱头相互作用的研究

  • Creamy white sauce with horseradish and mustard .

    加山葵和 芥末 白色乳脂状沙司。

  • Black or white seeds ground to make mustard pastes or powders .

    黑色或 白色磨碎的种子,用来做 芥末糊或 芥末粉。

  • Slices of white bread 1 spoonful of mayonnaise / honey mustard / chili sauce ( optional )

    1勺蛋 黄酱/蜂蜜/ 芥末 /辣酱(可选)

  • Studies on the Resistance of Intergeneric Hybrids of Chinese Cabbage × White Mustard to Alternaria Leaf Spot

    白菜× 属间远缘杂种黑斑病抗性研究

  • The prevention of white mustard compound in postoperative adhesion of abdominal cavity


  • The seeds can come from three different plants : black mustard brown Indian mustard and white or yellow mustard .

    芥菜籽来源于三种不同的植物:黑芥末,褐色印度芥末和 白色或者黄色 芥末

  • White beet Asiatic mustard used as a potherb .

    甜菜(用于制糖)用作食用野菜的亚洲 芥菜

  • The results indicated that segment of the ground of White Mustard had different water defect sensitivity in different stage the first sensitivity in flowering stage the second in podding formation stage the third in budded term .

    结果表明, 在不同生育时期对水分亏缺敏感性不同,开花期最为敏感,其次为结荚期,蕾苔期最不敏感。

  • Methods Using white mustard compound to progress vital staining to surface of wound of laboratory animal model making by partial cecectomy in 60 rabbits .

    方法用 白芨复合物通过对60只家兔盲肠部分切除术实验动物模型创面进行活体喷涂。

  • Time to pick out the official White House Christmas tree ! Alongside daughters Sasha and Malia Michelle looks chic and casual in a mustard cardigan white button down and checkered trousers .

    跟两个女儿挑选圣诞树时,Michelle身穿 芥末 开衫,外加白色衬衫和格纹裤。

  • Research on Parching Procedure of White Mustard Seed with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Two-Dimensional IR Correlation Spectroscopy


  • Segment of the ground of White Mustard of shape and physiological and biochemical indexes were analysed under water defect and non-water defect .

    文中分析了水分亏缺和非水分亏缺处理下 不同生育时期地上部分形态及生理生化指标。

  • Brassica alba yields white mustard seeds ; Brassica nigra black mustard seeds .

    白质芸苔生产 白色 芥茉籽,黑质芸苔生产黑色芥茉籽。

  • Drought resistance and its estimate index of Seed yield and its characters of white mustard and rapes


  • Instead White suggests hot mustard sauce hoisin sauce or oyster sauce .

    相对的, 怀特推荐酸辣 芥末酱、海鲜沙司酱和耗油调味的中餐。

  • Among them compound BJZ-1 is a new compound and compounds BJZ-4 BJZ-5 and BJZ-9 were isolated from the species for the first time . The activity experiment showed that BJZ-2 had the function of relieving cough and was one of the active constituents of white mustard seed .

    其中化合物BJZ-1为新化合物,化合物BJZ-4、BJZ-5、BJZ-9是首次自白芥子中分离得到,经活性研究表明BJZ-2具有镇咳作用,为 芥子镇咳活性成分之一。

  • Two roast beef sandwiches on white bread with lettuce and mustard .

    两份烤牛肉三明治加蒿 芥末

  • Treatment of hernia in childern with white mustard


  • Water Defect Effects on Segment of the Ground of White Mustard Shape and Physiological and Biochemical Indexes

    水分亏缺 对白 地上部分形态及生理生化指标的影响

  • The root growth root vigor root tissue water status and root / cap of White mustard were investigated under soil water stress using pot test .

    利用旱棚盆栽研究土壤水分胁迫 对白 根系发育、根系活力、根组织水分状态和根冠比的影响。