white substance

[hwaɪt ˈsʌbstəns][hwait ˈsʌbstəns]

[医] 白质

  • A dark band in the spectrum of white light that has been transmitted through a substance that exhibits absorption at selective wavelengths .

    白光通过某种 物质时,某些波长的光被有选择性地吸收而在光谱上留下的暗带。

  • The solid white substance burns with a pale flame leaving nothing but water .

    这种 白色固体 物质燃烧时发出苍白色的火焰,燃尽后只留下水。

  • Morphine is a white bitter substance obtained from opium and used in medicine to reduce pain .

    吗啡是从鸦片中提炼出的苦味的 白色 物体,用作减痛的药物。

  • RESULTS : White flocculent precipitate was noted in the mixture within 1 hour of mixing which was proved as a new substance by infrared spectrum analysis .

    结果第1h内配伍液出现 白色絮状沉淀,用红外光谱分析沉淀为一新 物质

  • How many white lives have been scarred by fear because we wasted energy and our substance to maintain the barriers of hatred and terror ?

    又有多少 白人的生活由于我们把 物质和精力浪费在维持充满仇恨和恐怖的种族屏障上而为恐惧所困扰?

  • Acrylamide ( acrylamide ) is a white crystalline substance and is precursor substance widely used in the production of polyacrylamide . It is mainly used for water purification treatment pulp processing and so on .

    丙烯酰胺(acrylamide)是广泛用于生产化工产品聚丙烯酰胺的 白色晶体 物质,常用于净化处理水,加工纸浆等。

  • In this paper the mechanism of forming white cloudy substance found in tomato paste during storage was discussed .

    对番茄酱产品在保质期内出现的 白色云状凝聚 的形成机理进行了初步探讨。

  • A white waxy substance from oil of the sperm whale .

    抹香鲸的油脂中提取的 白色蜡状 物质

  • An in service valve suffering from Dezincification has a white powdery substance or mineral stains on its exterior surface .

    应用中的阀门如果出现脱锌现象,在产品表面就会出现 粉状 物质或矿物污点。

  • GLP_1 was a gray white substance . G.

    GLP1为灰 白色 粉末,经G。

  • Then we separated Niferex into brownish black shell and a white substance in center and study the properties of both .

    将力蜚能颗粒的棕色外壳和中心 白色 物质进行分离并分别对其性质进行考察。

  • The physical attributes of an in-service valve with Dezincification includes a white powdery substance or mineral stains on its exterior surface .

    使用中的阀门出现失锌想象时的物理特征包括:在外表面出现 白色 粉末或矿物污点。

  • Chitin : White horny substance found in the external skeleton of crabs lobsters and many insects ; in internal structures of some other invertebrates ; and in some fungi algae and yeasts .

    几丁质: 白色角质 物质,存在于昆虫、蟹、螯虾的外骨骼以及其它无脊椎动物的内部结构和一些菌类、海藻、酵母菌中。

  • The comparison of the cross-section area and volume of the gray and white substance of the spinal cord in man cat dog and rabbit

    人、猫、狗、 脊髓的面积和体积的比较

  • RESULTS : Through the SEM it is clear that Indigo attached to the surface of some white substance and the XRD proves that the white substance in Indigo Naturals is calcium carbonate ( CaCO 3 ) .

    结果:经SEM发现,靛蓝依附于某种 白色 固体的表面,而XRD证明了吸附靛蓝的白色固体是CaCO3。

  • A white crystalline substance with a bitter aftertaste ; used as a fungicide or in making aspirin or dyes or perfumes .

    一种 白色晶状 物质,带苦的余味,用于杀菌和制阿斯匹林、染料或香水。

  • The lander 's robotic arm started digging trenches in Martian soil after touching down near the planet 's north pole on May25 revealing a white substance that scientists had said was ice .

    5月25日探测器在火星北极附近降落后其机器手臂便开始在火星土壤上挖沟,科学家们认为暴露出的 白色 物质便是冰。

  • The results were as follows : Ink was seen spreading in white substance on 3 planes after dissecting the cerebral hemisphere open .

    结果:脑切面及透明后的脑薄片显示,墨汁在三个平面上均沿 扩散;

  • The most of the granular sludge was 1 ~ 2 mm . The inside of the granular sludge was black surrounded by a layer of white sticky substance .

    形成的颗粒污泥内部为黑色,外部包裹一层 白色胶状 物质,粒径大部分在1~2mm。

  • A white fatty substance that forms a medullary sheath around the axis cylinder of some nerve fibers .

    一种 白色油脂 物质,形成一些神经纤维轴突外包裹的一层髓鞘。

  • Influence of Sphingomyelin Synthase Knockdown on Cell Apoptosis a white fatty substance that forms a medullary sheath around the axis cylinder of some nerve fibers .

    神经鞘磷脂合成酶基因沉默对细胞凋亡的影响一种 白色油脂 物质,形成一些神经纤维轴突外包裹的一层髓鞘。

  • Discussion on the mechanism of white cloudy substance formation in tomato paste

    番茄酱中 白色云状凝聚 形成机理的探讨