white compression

[hwaɪt kəmˈprɛʃən][hwait kəmˈpreʃən]


  • Observation of Effect of Yun'nan White Medicinal Powder Spray Together with Hot-wet Compression on Arteriovenous Fistula Inflammation among Hemodialysis Patients

    云南 白药气雾剂喷洒联合湿 热敷治疗血液透析患者动静脉内瘘炎症效果观察

  • A Veriable Length White Block Skipping Compression Method for Binary lmage

    二值图象变长跳 白块 压缩方法

  • An optimal linear polynomial filter with white noise moving-polynomial algorithm is proposed to estimate the true values from telemetry signals with random noise . The degree of compression for the random error is provided by the variance ratio of filtering .

    提出 噪声多项式的最优线性移动平滑滤波算法应用于分离飞行遥测数据中的真实信号和随机噪声,并通过滤波方差比给出对随机误差的 压缩程度。

  • Experiment results show that the algorithms are robust against various signal processing such as white noise mp3 compression re-sampling and re-quantifying .

    大量实验说明,改进后的算法对于一些攻击(如重新量化、重采样、mp3 压缩、和 高斯噪声等)比通常的水印嵌入算法具有了更好的鲁棒性。

  • Experiments show that the algorithm is robust against several operations such as resampling white noise addition compression and so on and is sensitive to malicious tampering .

    实验分析可以看出,算法对各种常用的内容保留操作(重采样、高斯 噪声、 压缩等)具有较强的鲁棒性,而对恶意篡改非常敏感。

  • Simulation results by MATLAB software have verified the superior performances of the modified algorithm especially under attacks of Gaussian white noise salt and pepper noise and JPEG compression noise by comparison to basis algorithm .

    论文中通过matlab进行仿真,验证了改进后的算法比基本算法在经受高斯 噪声攻击、椒盐噪声攻击、JPEG 压缩攻击和低通滤波时的性能都有了很大的提高。

  • Objective To elucidate the pathogenesis of chronic compartment syndrome we examined pathological changes in the soleus ( red ) and extensor digitorum longus ( EDL : white ) muscles in Japanese white rabbits after repeated compression with a pneumatic tourniquet .

    目的探讨慢性骨筋膜室综合征所致 比目鱼肌(红肌)、伸趾长肌( 肌)的病理变化。