white of egg

[hwaɪt ʌv ɛɡ][hwait ɔv eɡ]

[化] 卵白,蛋清蛋白

  • The egg white which now contains many millions of vaccine viruses is then harvested and the virus is separated from the egg white .

    之后将现已含有好几百万疫苗病毒的 蛋清取出并将病毒从中分离出来。

  • Desalination of Salted Duck Egg White by Ultrafiltration and Research the Functional Characteristics of Desalted Duck Egg White

    咸鸭 蛋清的超滤脱盐及脱盐 蛋清功能性质的研究

  • The majority of proteins exist in egg yolk and egg white and the species and contents of egg white proteins are the most abundant .

    鸡蛋中的蛋白质主要存在于 蛋清和蛋黄中,其中 蛋清蛋白的种类和含量最为丰富。

  • A sample of 10 eggs for green shell and for white shell were used to detect the color parameters of the egg content with the computer vision detector at one time .

    每次定时任意取出其中 壳和青壳蛋各10枚用计算机视觉检测装置检测出 内容物的颜色参数。

  • Circular dichroism measurement found the formation of a β - sheet and random coil-based secondary structure in egg white proteins after heat treatment . The structural changes caused by the heat treatment of egg white proteins contributed little to the DH growth .

    圆二色性测定发现热处理后蛋清形成了以β-折叠和无规卷曲为主的二级结构, 蛋清经热处理引起的蛋白质的二级结构变化对DH的影响不大。

  • The aggregate of egg white lysozyme molecules formed during the refolding procedure of denatured-reduced egg white lysozymes was analyzed by protein electrophoreses and high-performance size-exclusion chromatography .

    本文利用蛋白电泳和高效凝胶排阻层析法分析了还原脉变性 蛋白 溶菌酶稀释复性过程中的集聚体。

  • There 's too much white of egg in this mixture .

    这种混合物中 蛋白太多。

  • Ovalbumin and ovotransferrin in hen egg white are the principal matters in forming of the gelatin inherent factor and extrinsic factor are important for egg white gelatin .

    鸡蛋蛋白中的 卵白蛋白和卵转铁蛋白是参与蛋白凝胶形成的主要物质,内在因素和外在因素对 蛋白凝胶性状产生重要影响。

  • FSH and LH were used in grouped Japanese white rabbits to study the problems on the total dose of FSH and egg recovery rate in the experiment .

    采用FSH、LH对日本大耳 白兔分组进行不同的处理,对所使用的FSH的总剂量、 卵子回收率等问题作一探讨。

  • 60-week-old white Leghorn Laying hens were used to study the effect of feeding oils rich in fatty acid different in number and position of double bond to laying hens on the lipid content and fatty acid composition of egg yolk .

    选用60周龄 来航蛋鸡进行为期20d的试验,研究产蛋鸡饲粮中脂肪酸饱和程度和双键位置不同的油脂对 蛋黄脂质成分和脂肪酸组成的影响。

  • On the other hand mullite fibers would destroy the pore structure indicating the failure to improve the properties of egg white foaming samples . The improvement of egg white assistant foaming method needs to be further discussed .


  • Can that which is unsavoury be eaten without salt ? or is there any taste in the white of an egg ?

    物淡而无盐岂可吃吗, 蛋青有什么滋味呢。

  • Chicken ovalbumin promoter is the major strongest tissue-specific promoter that yields more than 50 % of the total egg white of egg .

    卵清蛋白启动子是主要的强组织特异性的启动子之一,50%以上的鸡蛋蛋白 成分的都是由该启动子控制产生。

  • First the macro structure of e-government system model based on Struts adopt three-layers ' B / S Structure its t DB-layer application-layer and browser-layer of this structure equal to the egg white yolk and egg shell of egg model .

    首先,基于Struts的电子政务系统模型总体架构采用三层B/S结构,它的数据库层、应用层、用户浏览器层分别对应 鸡蛋模型的 蛋清、蛋黄、蛋壳三层。

  • The fatty acids of egg white and yolk from eggs and duck eggs were detected which indicated that monounsaturated fatty acids DHA and EPA of yolk were higher than those of egg white .

    测定了各种鸡蛋和鸭蛋 蛋清和蛋黄中脂肪酸的构成,发现蛋黄中的单不饱和脂肪酸比 蛋清的高。

  • The effects of egg white yolk content and applied voltage on ohmic heating rate of egg white and yolk solution were also investigated .

    研究了 蛋清、蛋黄浓度和电压对 蛋清溶液、蛋黄溶液加热速率的影响。