well-known port

[ˈwɛlˈnon pɔrt][ˌwelˈnəun pɔ:t]

[计] 标准端口地址

  • Shanghai the largest city in China and a well-known port city in the world plays a very important part in the development of China 's economy .

    上海是中国最大的经济中心城市,也是国际 著名 港口城市,在中国的经济发展中具有极其重要的地位。

  • However it is well-known that the situation of competition among the ports around Northeast Asia is still obscure and that the competition for the International Shipping Centre of Northeast Asia among Shanghai Port Busan Port and Kaohsiung Port is especially drastic .

    然而 众所周知,东北亚地区港口的竞争态势至今尚未明朗化,尤其是为了争夺东北亚国际航运中心的地位,上海 、釜山港和高雄港之间的较量更是日趋白热化。

  • Such as the well-known China Metallurgical Group China Huadian Engineering Co. Ltd. Huaneng Power International Inc such as electricity metallurgy industry giants began to get involved in port construction industry .

    比较 知名的有中冶集团、华电集团、华能国际等电力、冶金行业的巨头开始涉足 港口建设行业。

  • Normally all the server processes listen on a well-known port number .

    通常,所有的服务器进程都侦听 众所周知 端口号。

  • This indicates that sun is the recipient of the connection because it is the well-known port associated with the service .

    这表示,sun是该连接的接收者,因为它关联于该服务的 已知 端口

  • Some of these ports are well-known ( for example port 80 is used for HTTP ) .

    其中有一些端口是 众所周知的(例如, 端口80用于HTTP)。

  • After some tinkering around I introduced the concept of ports ( this is actually a well-known concept in component technology and also UML but was relatively new to my customer ) .

    经过几 修改,我引入了端口( Port)的概念(实际上在组件技术以及UML中,这是一个 众所周知的概念,但是相对于我的客户而言,却是一个新 名词)。