


  • Emperor Taizong knew that a well-ordered administration needed capable people and a wide range of expert opinions .


  • The city centre is a well-ordered place with streets continually swept by an army of workers in fluorescent orange vests .

    城市的中心是一个 秩序 井然的地方,街道由一群身着荧光橘红色环卫服的工人在不断清扫。

  • This diversion not only stimulate domestic consumption but also brought to the national well-ordered environment of the travel .

    这样的分流既刺激了国内消费,同时也给国民带来了 秩序 良好的出游环境。

  • Instead he went back because he was a responsible little part of a well-ordered hierarchy .

    然而,他返回是因为他是一个 秩序 的组织中一个负责任的小部件。

  • Due to the development happening to the definition of justice consensus 、 well-ordered society 、 public reason and the view of virtue ethics which are related to it have logically altered .

    由于他对公平正义理解的转变,与之相关的共识、 良序社会、公共理性以及德性伦理观等均逻辑地发生了相应的变化。

  • They love peace and quiet and good tilled earth : a well-ordered and well-farmed countryside was their favourite haunt .

    他们热爱和平、安宁和肥沃的土地:整饬 有序而又生机勃勃的田园是他们的最爱。

  • The first represents his marvelous technical skill and passion for science and belief in the universe as a well-ordered place .

    第一幅代表了他非凡的绘画技巧、对科学的热情和对宇宙是 秩序 井然之所的信仰。

  • How does he distinguish the well-ordered ? regimes from the corrupt regimes ?

    他如何区别有 条理 管治的,政体与腐败的政体?

  • A well-ordered society is regulated by conception of justice .

    一个 秩序 良好的社会 应该是由正义观念 支配的社会。

  • Just as it can take a major shock to achieve political order so in the absence of shocks a well-ordered political society can get stuck .

    就如重大冲击可以带来政治秩序一样,缺乏冲击也可能导致一个 秩序 良好的政治社会陷入困境。

  • The systematic analysis and integrated study of the network groups can help people construct a comprehensive and systematic realization and understanding of network groups . It also can help people with a better management and standardization of network groups to build a well-ordered network society .

    通过对网络群体进行系统性和整体性的分析和研究,使人们对网络群体有全面、系统的认识,以便人们能够更好地管理和规范网络群体,创造一个 秩序 井然的网络社会。

  • If these are well-ordered then the heavenly bodies of extremely great size revolve in their systematic orbits ;

    若是其 也、是以天体至大、而其周围运转之度、 日月 星辰 之行

  • Hoping the network advertisement market of our country will be prosperity stabilize and well-ordered .

    希望我国网络广告市场繁荣、稳定、 有序 发展

  • This made him realize that it was unrealistic in A theory of Justice to use the idea of a fair and well-ordered society .

    这使得他意识到他在《正义论》中所使用的公平正义之 秩序 良好社会的理念是不现实的。

  • Town planners similarly thought they could list the functions required for a city and fit each in well-ordered places .

    城镇 规划者的想法与此类似,他们认为自己可以列出城市需要的所有功能,并 通过 良好的规划让每一种功能都得到满足。

  • Unbiased investigation proves that Nature is not Chaos but a well-ordered system .

    不偏不倚的调查研究证明,大自然不是杂乱无章的混沌 世界一切 安排 井然有序

  • I believe Shakespeare wants to blazon forth a notion of disciplinary well-ordered and morality .

    我认为莎士比亚想宣扬一种有纪律有 秩序有道德的社会主张。

  • In every well-ordered family one finds the father delighting in his children and the children rejoicing in their father 's presence .

    在每一个 正常的家庭里。你会发现父亲以他的儿女为乐,儿女也因着父亲的同在而欢喜。

  • Solve the problem of short of social security funds ; ensure the well-ordered revolving of Social Security Fund .

    解决好社保基金不足问题,确保社保基金的 良性循环。

  • Finally we prove that well-ordered set and real set both have ordered topological hereditary .

    最后证明了 良序集和实数集合具有序拓扑遗传性。

  • X-ray diffraction investigations of well-ordered copper phthalocyanine films deposited on flexible ITO substrate

    柔性ITO衬底上铜酞菁薄膜 有序生长的X射线衍射研究

  • Well-ordered stones make architecture ; well-ordered social regulations make a constitution and a policy ; well-ordered ideas make good logic .

    组织 石头能成为建筑, 组织得好的社会规则能成为宪法和政策,组织得好的思想能成为好的逻辑。

  • Both the energetics and vibrational dynamics indicate the existence of a well-ordered molecular bilayer on this surface .

    总能优化和振动谱分析都表明,在这个表面 上水 有序的分子态双层结构存在。

  • Troops should be well-trained and remain calm at all times only then can the formation be well-ordered .

    兵器多种 多样 配合使用,士卒要训练有素,要沉着镇静,阵形才能保持 严整

  • In this paper we define two new notions : bundle 's maximum node and well-ordered bundle based on the characteristics of fair exchange protocols and strand spaces .

    根据公平交换协议和串空间的特点,定义了丛最大(极大)结点、 良序丛的概念。

  • Synthesis and optical property research of well-ordered ZnO nanorods arrays based on Al_2O_3 membrane

    基于氧化铝模板的 有序ZnO纳米棒的合成及光学特性研究

  • But if you wear sloppy clothes be clean inside them and have your thoughts especially well-ordered to offset your appearance .

    但是,如果你穿地邋遢,那么里面就要干净,尤其要让你的思想 有条有理以此来抵消外表带来的影响。

  • It seems to have a & what we might call today a normative component to it it makes a distinction or a judgment between the well-ordered and the deviant regimes the corrupt regimes .

    它似乎还有一种,我们今日,可能会称之为规范的元素在里头,它区别,或说判断了有条理, 管治与越轨的政体。

  • The drow are inclined to empire unlike their cousins and the well-ordered houses would perhaps conquer both the Underdark and the surface world were it not for Lolth and her priests .

    与他们的远亲们不同,卓尔倾向帝国性质。假如不是因为罗丝和她的女祭奠的话,那些 秩序 井然的家族们本来可以同时征服地底和地表世界。