


  • I am not a werewolf ! There is no such thing !

    我不是 狼人!那种东西根本不存在!

  • Yeah I get to transform into a werewolf a couple times which is awesome .

    嗯,我因而 变成 狼人了几次,( 变身 情节)非常棒。

  • As you can see the lot of a werewolf is far from an easy one .

    就像你看到的,很多 狼人 也不单纯。

  • The werewolf remains a mystery .

    关于 狼人 一切仍然是个谜。

  • There seems to be some subtle connection between the werewolf and the vampire .

    吸血鬼和 狼人似乎有些微妙的联系。

  • The lucky ones learn about their werewolf relations and even help them from time to time .

    一些幸运儿了解到了他们和 狼人的亲情,甚至经常帮助狼人。

  • I punched a werewolf in the face . - Bad ass

    我揍了 狼人的脸-坏蛋

  • But I 'm also playing an insane maniac psycho killer werewolf !

    但同时我还扮演了一个情绪狂躁的病态 狼人杀手!

  • He says he saw a werewolf .

    他说他看到一个 狼人

  • You remember the old werewolf stories ?

    你记得那些古老的 狼人传说吗?

  • Bela 's mother tells him that this will cause him to become a werewolf at each full moon .

    比拉的母亲告诉他,这将使他每满一个月成为一个 狼人

  • You 'll turn into a werewolf when it 's a full moon .

    满月时你就会变成 狼人

  • If a werewolf bites a person that person becomes a werewolf . False .

    当一个人被 狼人咬伤,他会变成狼人。错。

  • The rest of the tension building is left up to Jacob ( Taylor Lautner ) and his werewolf issues .

    构建影片其余部分的紧张性就交给了雅各布(泰勒洛特纳饰)和他的 狼人问题。

  • Even so when I 'd screamed out in terror at the werewolf 's lunge it wasn 't fear for the wolf that brought the cry of no to my lips .

    虽然如此,当我因为 狼人的进攻而惊恐地尖叫出声的时候,我也不是因为害怕狼而从嘴里喊出了“不”。

  • Guess we 'll be getting a werewolf showdown as well as a witch war this season .

    看来和本季即将上演的巫师大战一样,我们还有一场 狼人 争斗可以期待。

  • Because the only thing that can kill him is a werewolf .

    因为唯一能杀死他的是 狼人

  • – is also a werewolf !

    也是一个 狼人

  • Another boy comes in he 's turning into werewolf .

    结果来了另一个男孩,他是个 狼人

  • The werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind .

    而且 狼人只对自己同类的叫声有反应。

  • A werewolf may try to escape into the natural world but that realm has also been dying steadily .

    一个 狼人会试图逃到自然中去,但是那个世界也正在稳步消亡。

  • The werewolf and vampire are similar in many ways .


  • You won 't turn into a werewolf until the rising of your first full moon .

    你要到第一个满月时才会 变成 狼人

  • I saw him today and he still looked like a werewolf .

    我今天又见到他了,他看起来还是像一个 狼人

  • It would be interesting if it was one of the werewolf hunters .

    如果是个 狼人猎人的话就有意思了。

  • He now has the extra reason with the werewolf bite . ' I can 't die with you hating me ' that 's his point .

    现在Damon被 狼人咬伤了,他的想法是我不想死的时候你还要恨着我。

  • Lautner : Then she comes back to discover that I 'm a werewolf so that 's the big boom .

    然后她发现了我变成了一个 狼人,那可是个重磅炸弹。

  • Larry kills the werewolf but is bitten during the fight .

    赖瑞杀死 狼人,但在战斗中被咬。

  • I dont think shes the kind of werewolf that just likes to go around tearing up people .

    我觉得她不是那种喜欢到处杀人的 狼人

  • Such is the tragedy of werewolf .

    这就是 狼人的惨剧。