
[ˈwɛlˈwɔrn, -ˈworn]['welw'ɔ:n]


  • Released from prison S á nchez followed the well-worn route of Cuban exiles to America in 2008 .

    出狱后,他走了 古巴流放人员走的 老路&于2008年逃往美国。

  • To use a well-worn cliche it is packed with information .


  • I will forever more feel a touch guilty while sitting in that well-worn corner of my couch to play a video game .

    说了 这么 在沙发上 破旧 角,玩着电视游戏的我,可能永远 不愿再去触碰 那些游戏 按键了。

  • Where other governments try to keep global public opinion on their side by arguing their case publicly and through background briefings and targeted leaks to the media Beijing rarely offers more than a set of well-worn generalities .

    在其他国家政府通过公开辩护、背景吹风会和针对性地向媒体透露消息,努力让全球舆论站在自己这边的问题上,北京方面除了 千篇一律 套话以外很少有其他举措。

  • The whole interior seems to be made up of dark well-worn wood .

    餐馆内部整个装饰似乎都由黑色、 老化 严重的木材 组成

  • The technology is well-known and well-worn but it comes with a major downside : liquid crystals provide no light of their own .

    这一技术很知名,也 成熟,但它也有一个比较大的缺点:液晶自己是不发光的,液晶 背后 发光 显著影响 电池 寿命

  • But this flavor can often be soured by that well-worn poisoner of relationships everywhere : Money .

    不过,在 个东西面前,这种味道就变质了, 虽然这个东西 平凡 不能 平凡,却是所有感情的毒药,那就是:钱。

  • That stance is based on old arguments but they are not less potent for being well-worn .

    立场基于 一些陈旧的论据, 虽然 早已 重复 ,但 雄辩力不减。

  • China Little T ( r ) ips is a series of guides for those who want to get off the well-worn tourist path in China but don 't have the inside knowledge or the language skills to do so .

    中国小贴士(ChinaLittleT(r)ips)是一套系列导游书,适合那些 避开游客 泛滥 景点,但又对中国的内情和语言了解不 的游客。

  • And when the well-worn garments were put to the smell test researchers came up with a sweet-smelling discovery - the jeans didn 't actually smell that bad .

    当把这些穿久了的 牛仔裤拿来做味觉试验时,研究人员有了一项惊奇的发现这些牛仔裤的味道并没有那么差。

  • One well-worn assertion is that cybercrime revenues exceed those from the global trade in illegal drugs .


  • These well-worn theories are among seven medical myths exposed in a paper published in the British Medical Journal .

    这些 老生常谈在《英国医学杂志》的一篇论文中被列入七项医学误区。

  • True to this relaxed ethos today he wears frayed well-worn jeans brown shoes ( that to my eyes look like clogs ) a white-and-green-striped shirt and grey stubble .

    今天,他穿着 磨破的 牛仔裤,脚踏 双(在我看来像是木屐的)棕色鞋,上身是一件绿白条纹的衬衫,留着一头灰色的短发,一派轻松气质。

  • In this the Tennessee Senator follows a well-worn rhetorical path .

    这位田纳西参议员选择了一 俗套的路线。

  • A large percentage stayed raising their children as we were raised along well-worn paths .

    大部分留下来养儿 ,就像我们 依照 平凡的途径被养大。

  • The coaches were the first to speak after all and dutifully avoided handing their opponents motivational nuggets by relying on well-worn phrases about respect and not underestimating anyone .

    主教练们发言后都不约而同的回避直接谈论他们对手的优势,并用了 一些 老生常谈的话语比如“尊敬”,“不会低估任何人”。

  • But on Wednesday he coupled those well-worn arguments with a national security-themed call to action to Coast Guard graduates just minutes before they received their commissions .

    但在周三,除了这些 老生常谈的观点之外,他还以国家安全为由,在海岸警卫队学院的毕业生收到任职令之前几分钟呼吁他们采取行动。

  • It is frightening to veer off the well-worn path better known as our comfort zone .

    抛弃 路是可怕的,因为那是我们的舒适区。

  • He began to search in the right-hand pocket of his well-worn and baggy linen suit .

    他开始在那 旧的,肥大的衣服上的右边口袋里 西

  • Well-worn horror tropes also have provided a laundry list of gimmicks filmmakers need to work around & or use to misdirect audiences anew .

    已经被用 的恐怖手法也提供了一长串电影导演需绕开或者用来重新误导观众的招数。

  • Make Your Own Path Average likes comfortable . Average likes the well-worn path that is easy to follow .

    选择你自己的道路普通人喜欢安逸,普通人喜欢那种容易遵循的 方式。

  • Here and there sat well-worn stumps and logs and the remnants of a campfire .

    到处 是用旧了的 树桩和圆木,还有篝火的灰烬。

  • Martin Deboo an analyst at Investec Securities a stockbroker uses the well-worn but apt analogy of the perfect storm to describe the industry 's predicament .

    马丁得布,股票经纪公司InvestecSecurities(投资证券公司)的分析员,用“完美风暴”这种 老套的但是容易的类比来描述食品产业的困境。

  • In academia there is a well-worn distinction between activities that have to be coordinated by an organization and activities that can take place in an open market .

    学术界 知道,必须由企业协调的行为和可以在公开市场发生的行为,是存在 区别的。

  • In other words they stuff experiences into well-worn patterns .

    换言之,大脑会把经验转化为 固定模式。

  • As we researched ecosystems ( gatherings of business participants engaged in some form of collaboration ) we found that the well-worn term perfectly characterized the nuances of MSDOS and other webs .

    我们再来研究一下生态系统,也就是即商业参与者通过某种形式的合作组成的集群,我们发现这个了无新意的词汇完美地凸显了 MSDOS和其他网络的微妙之处。

  • Most countries have well-worn laws against touting on street corners against the more brazen type of brothel and against pimping .

    大多数国家仍然 使用 陈旧的法律, 它们禁止在街角挑逗,禁止较为无耻的妓院和拉皮条。

  • Before you is a well-worn path of beaten earth .

    在你面前是一条 出来 陈年小道。