


  • Our prosperity serves as a wellspring for our power it says . Even as we have maintained our military advantage our competitiveness has been set back in recent years .

    经济繁荣是我们实力的 源泉,文件称,近年来,虽然我们保持了军事优势,但我们的竞争力已 有所下降。

  • Tacit Knowledge : The Wellspring to Sustainable Competitive Advantage

    隐含经验类知识:企业持续竞争优势的 源泉

  • Gard your heart for it is wellspring of your life .

    保守你的心 胜过保守一切,因为一身的 发出的。

  • Tolerance means recognizing that our diversity is a strength a wellspring of creativity and renewal for all societies .

    做到宽容,我们就 必须认识到多样性正是我们的力量 所在是所有社会创新和复兴的力量的 源泉

  • THE IMMORTAL World Tour takes place in a fantastical realm where we discover Michael 's inspirational Giving Tree & the wellspring of his creativity .

    不朽世界巡演将在一个充满幻想的王国里举行,在这里我们可以发现迈克尔的灵感树&他创作的 源泉

  • In a personal way each of us is literally standing on our own wellspring of renewable energy & our feet .

    从个人层面来说,我们每个人已经站在了自己的 可再生能源 源泉 上面了&我们的双腿。

  • That gland he believed was the place where all our thoughts are formed the wellspring of our free will .

    他认为,这个腺体就是我们所有思想形成的地方,是自由意志的 源泉

  • The application of these theories to himself enabled him to find that the woman in me was the poetic and mystical wellspring of his mature verse .

    他运用该理论对自己进行 测试,发现了内在于 自身的女性 自我是其后期诗歌创作和神秘主义研究的 主要 动力

  • The tacit knowledge is considered as the wellspring of core competence of corporation and is the main content of knowledge management .

    隐含经验类知识被认为是企业核心竞争力的 主要 源泉,是知识管理的重点内容。

  • Fasten Hotel also has Sacred Wellspring Cultural Leisure Center with steam rooms table tennis rooms chess and card rooms and gyms .

    酒店还设有圣水 文化休闲中心, 汗蒸房、桌球室、棋牌室、健身房。

  • A sense of gratitude and indebtedness to others is and important wellspring of a generous and virtuous life .

    阿债务的感激和对他人的意识和慷慨和善良生活的重要 源泉

  • The Yangtze is the wellspring of Chinese mythology .

    长江是中国神话的 源泉

  • The emotional wellspring of those who possess the Pluto-Moon is filled with very passionate feelings : jealousy anger deep attachments to loved ones and a powerful felt sense of connection with life in general .

    那些拥有月 相位的人有非常强烈的感情:嫉妒,愤怒,对他她所爱的人的深深的依恋,总之来说是一种对生活强有力的直觉。

  • What fellow Europeans might ask is the wellspring of this providentialism and homespun finance ?

    欧洲人或许会问,这种天佑论和朴素金融的 源头是什么?

  • This is Cairo & a cradle of civilization a wellspring of culture and a meeting-place of the Asian African and European World .

    这就是开罗,文明的摇篮,文化的 源泉,亚洲,非洲以及欧洲的交融之地。

  • I am the wellspring from which you flow .

    我就是你 生命 源头

  • Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it : but the instruction of fools is folly . having wisdom that comes with age and experience .

    16:22人有智慧就有生命的 泉源.愚昧人必被愚昧惩治。源自年纪和经验的智慧。

  • They are also a wellspring of new companies .

    他们还是新公司 诞生 源泉

  • Because tacit technical knowledge is hard to be imitated it can produce great economic benefit . Tacit technical knowledge is the foundation of enterprises core competence and the important wellspring of keep competitive advantage .

    由于隐性技术知识具有不易模仿和复制的特点,能给企业带来巨大的经济效益,所以隐性技术知识是构成企业技术核心能力的基础,是维持企业竞争优势的重要 源泉

  • The most powerful man in the biggest country in the world he 's shaped China into the wellspring of global consumer goods .

    全球人口最多的大国的 领导人,他 领导下的中国正成为 世界消费品 生产 基地

  • It 's the wellspring of all human feelings behaviors experiences as well as the repository of memory and self-awareness . So it 's no surprise that the brain remains a mystery unto itself .

    大脑 不仅 我们人类所有的感情、行为、经验的 源泉,它也是 我们记忆和自我感知的宝库,因此大脑本身仍然是个谜就毫不奇怪了。

  • If we can connect with this part of who we are however we will find that there is an unlimited wellspring of strength available to us .

    如果我们可以和自己的这部分链接,我们就会发现 自身无尽的力量 源泉

  • It was not for her to see the wellspring of human passion .

    她当然不 懂得人类强烈情感的 来源

  • Lisa : no.i 'm wellspring 's newest employee . I have to prove that I can do this job . I can 't do that if I make excuses .

    丽莎:没有。我是 泉源 的员工,我得证明我能胜任这份工作,如果我找藉口,就证明我胜任不了。

  • They are a wellspring of ideas for innovation and leaders for positive change .

    青年是创新思想的 泉源,积极变革的领 人物。