wire marking

[waɪr ˈmɑrkɪŋ][ˈwaiə ˈmɑ:kɪŋ]


  • Steel wire ropes Packing marking and certificate General requirements

    GB/T2104-1988 钢丝绳包装、 标志及质量证明书的一般规定

  • In this paper analysis is made on the types of causes of the main scab defect of high-speed wire rod and basis and standard for cobble definition the principle on cobble marking is expounded .

    为进一步提高高速 线材 产品质量,通过分析 高线 产品主要缺陷 结疤类型、生产原因、判废的依据及标准,阐述了判定原则。

  • Slab arc Al wire marking machine is specially designed for slab marking .

    连铸板坯电弧铝 机是铸坯喷号的专用设备。

  • Using the PCI slot make the installation and dismantle of the controller not very convenient ; and the analog voltage output of the controller in the wire are vulnerable to interference making the accuracy of marking decrease .

    使用PCI插槽则使控制器的安装、拆卸很不方便;并且控制器输出的模拟电压信号在 传输 线上易受到干扰,造成打 精度下降。